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Get To Know The Team - d3vcho

December 23, 2016, 11:47:06 AM
Name: Fran Domínguez Age: 18 Location: Granada, Spain Quote: "Lay away a place for me, 'cause as soon as I'm done I'll be on my way" Position: Localizer&n...

Get To Know The Team - Kryzen

April 19, 2016, 04:48:11 AM
Name: Robert "Kryzen" Location: Groningen, Netherlands Quote: If you're going through hell, keep going Position: Localizer   Do you have pets? I have ...

Get To Know The Team - Relyana

October 02, 2015, 06:52:51 PM
 Name: Relyana Location: Bucharest, Romania Quote: 'We shall see' Position: Internationalizer Lead Localizer  Do you have pets? Not anymore. I've had ...

Get To Know The Team: live627

June 28, 2015, 04:31:11 AM
I've decided to share a little about myself since today's my birthday.  Name: John "live627" Rayes Age: 26 Location: Laveen, Arizona (half a mile from an Indian...

metallica48423 has passed away

May 23, 2015, 03:55:01 PM
Hello everyone,   Last night we got the tragic news that one of our former SMF teamies: metallica48423, better known as Justin to friends, has unexpectedly passed away at the unreasonab...

Licensing Your Customizations

January 25, 2015, 05:06:03 PM
Summary: Some licenses aren't suited for code. It's recommended that BSD is used for code and Creative Commons for artwork, unless you want to add restrictions for others.  Hello m...

You've got karma!

June 12, 2014, 02:32:06 AM
Several people still want to use the karma feature, which was removed from 2.1. Rather than leave those users in the dark (and I don't think they'd like to use the Likes feature (pun uninten...

Playing with Curve2

May 05, 2014, 04:59:13 PM
My mid term exams ended but my work never ends I took two presentations for different classes while working on them, i had some free time and did some of my past loved ideas on Curve2 and now I want ...

As a Regular User - A PDF Compilation for New Users of SMF

November 06, 2013, 05:54:37 PM
The Documentation Team has fully reviewed and edited the 'As a Regular User' section of the SMF Online Manual and is now making it available as a PDF. This is part of the continual process o...

Get to know the team: margarett

October 17, 2013, 03:17:42 PM
Name: Bruno (easy, it's in the sig) Age: over 30 Location: Portugal Quote: Se forem conduzir, não bebam. Se forem beber... CHAMEM-ME!!!! (easy, also in the sig) Position: Sup...

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