Get to know the team - Eldacar
April 03, 2006, 08:48:31 AM Posted by Dannii on April 03, 2006, 08:48:31 AM in Get to know the team - Eldacar | 35 Comments|------------| Name: Eldacar
| | Age: 18
| | Location: Aussieland
| | Favorite Quote: Look in my sig
| Pic here | Position: Doc Writer
| (maybe) |
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1. Do you have pets?
2. What is your favorite color?
Hmmmmm.. probably either navy or carmine
3. What kind of music do you like?
Lots of stuff. Ask if you want specifics...
4. What do you do on your free time besides spending time on SMF?
I'm currently developing a online strategy game engine.. and I also visit other forums, chat listen to music, watch tv and paint
5. What are your goals/dreams in life?
I want to join the circus
6. What got you involved in SMF?
Needed some forum software and liked smf the best of course
7. Who do you admire? Why?
Mister God, Daria, a few other randoms
8. Are you into sports? If so which ones?
9. What is your dream job?
Cirque do soleil? Linguistics expert? Professional nuisance?
10. What was your first screenname?
eldacar I think. I have others, but eldacar usually comes first
11. Do you have any piercings?
12. Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous?
13. Do you have any tattoo's? If not do you wish/plan to get one?
Not yet. I do plan to though.. once i can decide on exactly what to get. I like hexagons
14. Do you have any siblings? If so how many of each.
One little sis
15. What is your favorite website? among others
16. Do you play computer games? If so which ones?
A few. Gusanos. OpenTTD
17. Do you play video game consoles? Which ones?
18. Are you married or planing to get married?
Not yet, but eventually it shall happen
19. How many languages do you speak? Which ones?
Only English and Aussie
20. Do you drink?
Very rarely
21. Do you smoke?
No. Smoking harms your unborn child.
22. Did you play hookey from class?
Not much in school, but I miss too many of my uni classes
22. Do you have a license?
I have my learners. Needed it for ID
a. Do you own a car?
b. Have you ever been stopped for speeding?
23. Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily?
Not enough
24. How do you sleep?
Between sheets and under a blanket
25. Have you ever been on an airplane?
Many times. Most often to melbourne and back
26. have you ever broken a bone?
As of sunday, yes. I just fractured my elbow
27. Do you wear jewelry? If so what jewelry do you wear?
Not often, but occasionally big crazy chicks black bead necklaces
28. How do you dress?
reserved emoish gothish. I like yd.
29. How many keys are on your keyring?
30. What time do you go to bed? What time do you wake up?
hmm 11pm->2am usually. 6am->10am
31. What is the craziest thing you've done?
32. Do you live alone?
live with my family
33. How many hours a day do you spend in the computer?
34. How many hours a day do you spend in SMF?
35. How about What is your favorite beverage? Coffee, Tea, Soda, Beer, other?
probably can't go past milo.
36. What do you hate? //It can be anything.
I don't hate much, but RNB/hiphop probably is pretty high up there
37. What do you love? //It can be anything also.
lots of stuff!
38. What is your religion?
Fundamentalist Christian
39. What is your hair color?
40. How tall are you?
41. How much do you weight?
42. What's the feature on SMF you can't live without?
a. As an administrator?
Permissions system probably, it's what made me choose SMF
b. As an end user?
New replies possibly
Any other questions are welcome too
| | Age: 18
| | Location: Aussieland
| | Favorite Quote: Look in my sig

| Pic here | Position: Doc Writer
| (maybe) |
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1. Do you have pets?
2. What is your favorite color?
Hmmmmm.. probably either navy or carmine
3. What kind of music do you like?
Lots of stuff. Ask if you want specifics...
4. What do you do on your free time besides spending time on SMF?
I'm currently developing a online strategy game engine.. and I also visit other forums, chat listen to music, watch tv and paint
5. What are your goals/dreams in life?
I want to join the circus
6. What got you involved in SMF?
Needed some forum software and liked smf the best of course
7. Who do you admire? Why?
Mister God, Daria, a few other randoms
8. Are you into sports? If so which ones?
9. What is your dream job?
Cirque do soleil? Linguistics expert? Professional nuisance?
10. What was your first screenname?
eldacar I think. I have others, but eldacar usually comes first
11. Do you have any piercings?
12. Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous?
13. Do you have any tattoo's? If not do you wish/plan to get one?
Not yet. I do plan to though.. once i can decide on exactly what to get. I like hexagons
14. Do you have any siblings? If so how many of each.
One little sis
15. What is your favorite website? among others
16. Do you play computer games? If so which ones?
A few. Gusanos. OpenTTD
17. Do you play video game consoles? Which ones?
18. Are you married or planing to get married?
Not yet, but eventually it shall happen

19. How many languages do you speak? Which ones?
Only English and Aussie
20. Do you drink?
Very rarely
21. Do you smoke?
No. Smoking harms your unborn child.
22. Did you play hookey from class?
Not much in school, but I miss too many of my uni classes
22. Do you have a license?
I have my learners. Needed it for ID
a. Do you own a car?
b. Have you ever been stopped for speeding?
23. Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily?
Not enough
24. How do you sleep?
Between sheets and under a blanket
25. Have you ever been on an airplane?
Many times. Most often to melbourne and back
26. have you ever broken a bone?
As of sunday, yes. I just fractured my elbow
27. Do you wear jewelry? If so what jewelry do you wear?
Not often, but occasionally big crazy chicks black bead necklaces
28. How do you dress?
reserved emoish gothish. I like yd.
29. How many keys are on your keyring?
30. What time do you go to bed? What time do you wake up?
hmm 11pm->2am usually. 6am->10am
31. What is the craziest thing you've done?
32. Do you live alone?
live with my family
33. How many hours a day do you spend in the computer?
34. How many hours a day do you spend in SMF?
35. How about What is your favorite beverage? Coffee, Tea, Soda, Beer, other?
probably can't go past milo.
36. What do you hate? //It can be anything.
I don't hate much, but RNB/hiphop probably is pretty high up there
37. What do you love? //It can be anything also.
lots of stuff!
38. What is your religion?
Fundamentalist Christian
39. What is your hair color?
40. How tall are you?
41. How much do you weight?
42. What's the feature on SMF you can't live without?
a. As an administrator?
Permissions system probably, it's what made me choose SMF
b. As an end user?
New replies possibly
Any other questions are welcome too


What made you want to switch over to the doc team?
Do you like getting whipped or not?
You have 3 wishes, make any wishes you want.
QuoteI'm currently developing a online strategy game engineInteresting, care to say anything else about it?

What made you want to switch over to the doc team?

Do you like getting whipped or not?
You have 3 wishes, make any wishes you want.
QuoteInteresting, care to say anything else about it?The game is being based on Issac Asimov's Foundation & Empire universe, although the actual engine could be used for anything. What the others and I want to do is great a game/engine that allows you to see your place in the universe, however big that may be. as in most strategy war games people like to fight, so massive fights will definately be happening. However there will also be an RPGish type system where you also inhabit each individual planet of the universe. There will be almost no constraints on this, and it will also be user-definable. New objects and places can be designed and built by the players.
I'm designing the core parser of the game, and leaving the gameplay to the others. It is basically an xml backend, which can be used by AJAX or anything else. And it's GPLed too
QuoteWhat made you want to switch over to the doc team?actually I don't like whippings. I think they're quite peverse.

I changed cause I didn't want to answer as many repeditive support questions, and because I like 'doc'ing.
* Amacythe whips eldacar
Do you think it matters if you don't like it?
Do you realize some of the Team Members BEG for a whipping (and don't get it)?
* eldacar hyperventilates
Heh that's one more person to add to the we too manly for whippings club 
If you could change one feature in SMF what would it be? Why?

If you could change one feature in SMF what would it be? Why?
Inherited permissions. Because that would simply be POWER.
do u have any ambitions of going to the moon or exploring space ? 

who is your favorite band, and your favorite soloist singer?
Whats your duties as a DOC writer?
Whats your duties as a DOC writer?
How many books do you own? What's your favorite book (literature)?
Do you hunt crocks downunder? 

do you like the crocodile hunter whats his name Steve Irwin?
Quote from: Prasad007 on April 08, 2006, 10:11:54 AMdo u have any ambitions of going to the moon or exploring space ?Not really. As DNA said, space is dull, really dull.
Quote from: sloopz on April 08, 2006, 10:27:05 AMwho is your favorite band, and your favorite soloist singer?Favourite bands are many, but these are up there: Trading yesterday, Saosin, Evanesence, Death Cab for Cutie, RHCP, Anberlin. Favourite solo singer.. David Hodges from TY is pretty good
Whats your duties as a DOC writer?
Dutie.. other than avoiding being whipped.. I just edit docs now mostly, but eventually I want to give the advanced section of the OM a complete overall, and document every part of SMF's insides.
Quote from: xenovanis on April 08, 2006, 11:42:54 AMHow many books do you own? What's your favorite book (literature)?I don't own many books, I borrow most of them from the library. Good books... The H2G2 trilogy is a classic, I love Asimov, books about polynesian history, John Grisham, Jeffery Archer, and lately I've been getting into William Gibson. Just finished Pattern Recognition and thought it was crazyawesome.
Quote from: Acf on April 08, 2006, 12:19:09 PMDo you hunt crocks downunder?No but I used to ride a kangaroo to school

Quote from: sloopz on April 08, 2006, 01:09:32 PMdo you like the crocodile hunter whats his name Steve Irwin?Most aussies think he's a weirdo.
Ever tried irn bru?
Ever watched star trek?
Role model? (and why?)
Ever watched star trek?
Role model? (and why?)
Ever tried a real Scottish Haggis?
My parents sometimes watch startrek, so I've probably watch 1-2 episodes or a few parts of some.
Role model: hmm no big ones really. but one little one is Dr John Baumgardner who completely changed what his PhD to geophysics (something he had no experience in) because he wanted to understand the issue well and defend his religion.
Haggis? no.
Role model: hmm no big ones really. but one little one is Dr John Baumgardner who completely changed what his PhD to geophysics (something he had no experience in) because he wanted to understand the issue well and defend his religion.
Haggis? no.

Quote from: Trekkie101 on April 09, 2006, 06:53:20 AMsame questions each time!?!
Ever tried irn bru?
Ever watched star trek?
Role model? (and why?)

Yes but to different people 

Quote from: eldacar on April 09, 2006, 08:14:22 AMhehehe okay
Yes but to different people

i think he must be saving that exact same text in a text file or sumthing then posting it at each thread? eh trekkie ?

cuz its the EXACT same text

When you ask someone "how are you?" do you not always phrase it exactly the same every time? Same applys 

yea ok 

Ok we know what feature you like, what feature you want, but ...
If you could remove one feature what would it be and why?
If you could remove one feature what would it be and why?
What's your Favorite Theme??
What was the most challenging thing for you & the doc team when building the on line manual?
What was the most challenging thing for you & the doc team when building the on line manual?
In the netherland they are celebrating the 400 year aniversery of being friend with australia... we even have a special euro made for it.
How do you like that?
I'd love to see australia sometime
How do you like that?
I'd love to see australia sometime

Quote from: Thantos on April 09, 2006, 11:10:48 AMOk we know what feature you like, what feature you want, but ...Hmm tricky, I've never thought of it. Maybe the buddy system, because I've never used it? no, actually the email notification system, and the emailed reported posts system. i don't like emails.
If you could remove one feature what would it be and why?
Quote from: cNc-Rickc on April 09, 2006, 12:03:14 PMWhat's your Favorite Theme??i like Amber and Neptune by bloc, and there have been several others I really like too. some by koni. But my favourite is probably the nonexistant dark multi-column theme
What was the most challenging thing for you & the doc team when building the on line manual?

Hmm, I've only been on the doc team a short while so I haven't been involved in too much of it. But the hardest thing is really being comprehensive for something as large as SMF.
Quote from: Acf on April 09, 2006, 12:29:59 PMIn the netherland they are celebrating the 400 year aniversery of being friend with australia... we even have a special euro made for it.I didn't know we'd even been around for 400 years :O
How do you like that?
I'd love to see australia sometime
Was it hard learning all these codes?

Was it hard learning all these codes?
I'm not sure exactly which codes, but no
You get better with practice too.

wouw nice bands you listen to,
do you like Fear Factory(Slave Labour, Full Metal Contact and Zero Signal in specificly)
do you have a local testing server installed?
if so you used a pre-packed thingy or did it yourself?
what O.S do you use(no awnser is windows)?
how long youve been coding php(and MySQL)?
do you like Fear Factory(Slave Labour, Full Metal Contact and Zero Signal in specificly)
do you have a local testing server installed?
if so you used a pre-packed thingy or did it yourself?
what O.S do you use(no awnser is windows)?
how long youve been coding php(and MySQL)?
I've never heard fear factory.
I had apache+php+mysql set up before I reformatted my computer. I might set it up again later. I also set up a standalone linux webserver but it was really slow. Now I most test on live sites hehe.
I use win98 mostly, although I installed Arch Linux a few weeks ago. Need to get that working. tells me I don't have a monitor.. which is strange becuase I'm pretty sure I do.
Only really since I've been using SMF. Less than a year.
I had apache+php+mysql set up before I reformatted my computer. I might set it up again later. I also set up a standalone linux webserver but it was really slow. Now I most test on live sites hehe.
I use win98 mostly, although I installed Arch Linux a few weeks ago. Need to get that working. tells me I don't have a monitor.. which is strange becuase I'm pretty sure I do.
Only really since I've been using SMF. Less than a year.
I'm glad to see another Aussie here... Where in Australia are you from? I'm from Melbourne
Seriously, try using Ubuntu Linux...

How did you get to become a Documentation writer? tells me I don't have a monitorI guess your monitor is just an illusion then

Quote from: eldacar on April 08, 2006, 10:53:23 PMI must agree with thatQuote from: sloopz on April 08, 2006, 01:09:32 PMdo you like the crocodile hunter whats his name Steve Irwin?Most aussies think he's a weirdo.

How did you get to become a Documentation writer?
I'm in Brisbane.
Nah, I like Arch. It's a bit of a challenge. Ubuntu would be too simple. But.. if I later decide I don't like Arch for some reason I could always change distros. thats the awesome thing about linux. Try changing anything in windows...
I was a support specialist for a few months first, but then I decided I'd like doc writing more so I asked for a transfer
Nah, I like Arch. It's a bit of a challenge. Ubuntu would be too simple. But.. if I later decide I don't like Arch for some reason I could always change distros. thats the awesome thing about linux. Try changing anything in windows...
I was a support specialist for a few months first, but then I decided I'd like doc writing more so I asked for a transfer

... and silly me, I accepted him 
Do you like being on the Doc Team?
Do you still provide support when you can?

Do you like being on the Doc Team?
Do you still provide support when you can?
It's been pretty good actually. But I think I'm doing more support now than I was before :S I made 50 posts yesterday
Spam posts don't count 

Says mister I-have-almost-3.5k-posts 

And to think when I joined in Novemeber I barley had 1000