Rewriting the Customization Site
April 20, 2010, 04:44:18 AM Posted by SlammedDime on April 20, 2010, 04:44:18 AM in Rewriting the Customization Site | 85 CommentsEven before I became the customize team lead, I had an interest in seeing the customization being updated for modern times, streamlined, and made more user friendly not only to the team, but most importantly, to you guys, the users.
When I became the team lead, I had the perfect opportunity to implement my vision of the site and add a whole lot of features to make it really draw some attention and make mod development and support easier. A few months back, I really got into learning about PHP OOP style of doing things, as well as MVC architectures. Armed with some new knowledge, I dove into writing my own PHP MVC Framework which has now become the basis of the new customization site. This will also be tightly integrated with SMF as well (and may even be released as a mod itself, who knows).
Let's highlight some of the features the new site will bring to
This is a very long list of things to implement, and the entire site is being rewritten from scratch, so it will take some time, and you won't likely see all of these features at once, but rolled out in waves as I build and test modules with the team.
When I became the team lead, I had the perfect opportunity to implement my vision of the site and add a whole lot of features to make it really draw some attention and make mod development and support easier. A few months back, I really got into learning about PHP OOP style of doing things, as well as MVC architectures. Armed with some new knowledge, I dove into writing my own PHP MVC Framework which has now become the basis of the new customization site. This will also be tightly integrated with SMF as well (and may even be released as a mod itself, who knows).
Let's highlight some of the features the new site will bring to
- Totally new design for all pages of the Customization Site
- Essentially all current features of the current customization site
- Customization Changelog
- Customization Issue (bug) Tracker
- - Public or Private status, with issues that can also be declared as public or private
- FAQ pages for customizations
- Ratings system for customizations
- XML/RSS Feeds for Customizations
- Customization Tutorials
- Customization Requests
- - Allow community members to take on requests
- - Allow requesters to manage their request
- - Status/Progress bars
- Package Parser that is able to show the contents in a raw format of all files in a Customization (Similar to how the Package Manager does it)
- Package Maker
- Community Customizer implementation - Allow the community to assist in reviewing unapproved modifications
- Support for customizations will be given on the Customization site, rather than on the forum
- Language editor for customizations - ability to automatically package these as well
- Automated checking of customization packages for approval purposes
- Versions does not work with, versions works with, versions untested with
- Advanced 'Report as unsafe' feature
- Mod transfers will no longer require customization team approval/assistance
This is a very long list of things to implement, and the entire site is being rewritten from scratch, so it will take some time, and you won't likely see all of these features at once, but rolled out in waves as I build and test modules with the team.
Sounds like a very well thought out plan. I think a lot of the features you suggested will be very helpful for the site overall. Can't wait to see the progress.
Sounds like a very well thought out plan. I think a lot of the features you suggested will be very helpful for the site overall. Can't wait to see the progress.
Wow, that is certainly a huge list of things SD. 
Personally, I can't wait to see some of these things be implemented. Any advancement in the site is a wonderful thing indeed. It was kind of a few months back since the first post about having a new Cust site, but this just reaffirms that good things are on there way. I hope that the first little glance at this is released soon for the community to marvel at.
I'm not sure how many other people have said it, but thank for putting the work in revamping the Customization Site, SlammedDime. It's appreciated by one person to say the least.

Personally, I can't wait to see some of these things be implemented. Any advancement in the site is a wonderful thing indeed. It was kind of a few months back since the first post about having a new Cust site, but this just reaffirms that good things are on there way. I hope that the first little glance at this is released soon for the community to marvel at.
I'm not sure how many other people have said it, but thank for putting the work in revamping the Customization Site, SlammedDime. It's appreciated by one person to say the least.

Looking great, SlammedDime.
Hopefully it'll be appreciated by users (since as cool as it is I won't be using it)
Hopefully it'll be appreciated by users (since as cool as it is I won't be using it)
Good to see someone continuing with my plans (and adding to them) after I left.
Nice to see that work is being done. Can't wait to see it put into action!
but seriously - I thank the Lord someone is taking care of it
but seriously - I thank the Lord someone is taking care of it

Very good going. Keep it up!
Alot of highly promising features. I suspect that they'll take a while to work with making, but I look forward to it! Also, if this was released as a mod, that would just be epic, but I doubt it will since it seems qutie specific.
Very ambitious plans, and to some extent also a bit unrealistic? Bugtracker for customisations, package maker, language editor..all these warrant dedicated time just by themselves. I would have settled for *just* the other ones - and foremost: cleaning it up both code and theme-wise.
But good luck with everything, lets hope it becomes of.
But good luck with everything, lets hope it becomes of.
Very ambitious indeed Bloc, however that is the reason it will not all happen at once. It will be a great test of my coding skills and knowledge and I am looking forward to the challenge.

Quote from: SlammedDime on April 22, 2010, 02:36:40 PMIt will be a great test of my coding skills and knowledge and I am looking forward to the challenge.
It's just going to be you making it? Why not delegate the creation of some portions to other Customize team members?
@ Fustrate
I suspect the answer to that question is embedded within
I suspect the answer to that question is embedded within
The same would then apply to this - shouldn't every Customize team member, including the leader, be focused on pulling their weight in regards to mod/theme approvals? Those are definitely more important than a new Customization Site.
Don't get me wrong, I liked the idea when I was the team leader (and groundup/Josh was working on a core for it), and I like it now. I'm just worried that the daily tasks are being relegated to the "regular" team members even while those team members can't possibly keep up, as it sounds like in the post you linked to.
Don't get me wrong, I liked the idea when I was the team leader (and groundup/Josh was working on a core for it), and I like it now. I'm just worried that the daily tasks are being relegated to the "regular" team members even while those team members can't possibly keep up, as it sounds like in the post you linked to.
Oh, I agree that everyone needs to balance it out - part of my problem was that I couldn't get the cust repo to work locally, gave it about a day, gave up, asked (and waited) for anyone to help me get it set up, which never happened, and went back to mod approvals until I burned myself out on that score.
I agree everyone who can should help out as best they are able - circumstances depending. The fact that this week Runic and JBlaze have been helping out suggests the team can't keep up with current duties without worrying about any expansion. Expansion is good, but I get the distinct impression that Dime is the main person doing both site dev and mod approval, and trying to balance that out.
I agree everyone who can should help out as best they are able - circumstances depending. The fact that this week Runic and JBlaze have been helping out suggests the team can't keep up with current duties without worrying about any expansion. Expansion is good, but I get the distinct impression that Dime is the main person doing both site dev and mod approval, and trying to balance that out.
* Arantor isn't pointing fingers, just trying to call it how he sees it.
As a side note, yes, my last post was amazingly hypocritical. I think the last time I really did a mod approval without grumbling about it for hours was about 2 months before I became the team leader.

You didn't grumble about reviewing one mod of mine in November. 

Probably because I didn't approve any mods in November!
Unless I was amazingly bored and forgot how agonizing mod approval is...
Unless I was amazingly bored and forgot how agonizing mod approval is...
You reviewed it and asked me to change a few things stylistically - it was the ssi_multiBoardNews mod.
oh yeah, I asked you to follow the SMF coding guidelines, since you were a team member at the time and I wanted all code from the team to be consistent as an example to other mod writers 
didn't take much to look that over

didn't take much to look that over
Come on, guys..the past is the past, looking to the future now, right? Lets just be happy something is cooking for the benefit of all.
Bloc - I think they're just having some friendly banter... heh.
Fustrate - For the time being, yes, I'm the only one working on it. Primarily because the core code is my own framework and it's easier for me to debug and change the on fly without causing issues, and also because there really is no point in committing anything that doesn't work yet. Once I have something that works and have replicated most of the existing functionality, I fully intend on committing and asking for help from the cust team.
As a side note, the team leads have started (Cust and Doc so far) creating topics for our teams that outline the responsibilities of the team lead and team members of that team to give some direction to our teams and create some sense responsibility and direction. IMO, no, a team lead should not always have to be working on the same things the team itself is working on, and likewise, the team itself doesn't always need to be involved in what the lead is working on. This is hopefully to help the lead actually run the team, and the members contribute as they should be.
Is everyone on the team contributing how I'd like... not really. Most are, and Norv has also done an excellent job the past few weeks helping with mod approvals as well. I would love to grow the team and add more to the cust team, but as I said in the post Pete linked above, it's becoming increasingly hard to find someone for the team that has a good understanding of the backend and has created more than just a bbcode mod or simple code change. Like I also said, I am actively looking at a few people, but would like to see a bit more from them (and I would also have no qualms about having any former teamies come back to the cust team as a member so long as the team votes them in again).
Fustrate - For the time being, yes, I'm the only one working on it. Primarily because the core code is my own framework and it's easier for me to debug and change the on fly without causing issues, and also because there really is no point in committing anything that doesn't work yet. Once I have something that works and have replicated most of the existing functionality, I fully intend on committing and asking for help from the cust team.
As a side note, the team leads have started (Cust and Doc so far) creating topics for our teams that outline the responsibilities of the team lead and team members of that team to give some direction to our teams and create some sense responsibility and direction. IMO, no, a team lead should not always have to be working on the same things the team itself is working on, and likewise, the team itself doesn't always need to be involved in what the lead is working on. This is hopefully to help the lead actually run the team, and the members contribute as they should be.

Is everyone on the team contributing how I'd like... not really. Most are, and Norv has also done an excellent job the past few weeks helping with mod approvals as well. I would love to grow the team and add more to the cust team, but as I said in the post Pete linked above, it's becoming increasingly hard to find someone for the team that has a good understanding of the backend and has created more than just a bbcode mod or simple code change. Like I also said, I am actively looking at a few people, but would like to see a bit more from them (and I would also have no qualms about having any former teamies come back to the cust team as a member so long as the team votes them in again).
Indeed, you asked me to follow the Allman style though it was something that was never thoroughly enforced (even in team mods), which I subsequently did.
Anyway, I think we're getting a little off topic.
Mod reviewing is, long term, a draining process and it irritates everyone who does it long term. I'm sure the community appreciates long-term stalwarts coming back to help, but it does spotlight the need for more help in the team.
It encourages me to think there are people that Dime is considering as possibles for the Cust team; it's not like there have ever been that many strong candidates for it.
I'd love to see more people helping on mod approvals, and helping on this development, but right now it just seems to me that there's too much being taken on and not enough people to help on it.
Setting out responsibilities of the team is a good idea. I sort of tried that in an underhanded manner myself in October, and it further encourages me that this is a step being taken.
@Bloc: Friendly banter, borne out of bad memories. It went down badly, and I have faith it can move forward but I suspect it needs more people.
I take your point about returning to the team, but there are people, former Cust team, that I just don't see returning, there's too much frustration and hurt there. Drama and accusations of 'changing like the wind', speaking personally I cannot see me returning to the Cust team, presently or any time in the future.
I'm not ready for that, I'm not ready for doing support on a consistent and regular basis, I'm still very angry in a lot of ways - not at anyone or anything, just generally angry - and that the current makeup of the team (both at Cust team level and SMF team level, really) is one that I'm personally not compatible with; it would just result in a lot of arguments and tension.
Anyway, I think we're getting a little off topic.
Mod reviewing is, long term, a draining process and it irritates everyone who does it long term. I'm sure the community appreciates long-term stalwarts coming back to help, but it does spotlight the need for more help in the team.
It encourages me to think there are people that Dime is considering as possibles for the Cust team; it's not like there have ever been that many strong candidates for it.
I'd love to see more people helping on mod approvals, and helping on this development, but right now it just seems to me that there's too much being taken on and not enough people to help on it.
Setting out responsibilities of the team is a good idea. I sort of tried that in an underhanded manner myself in October, and it further encourages me that this is a step being taken.
@Bloc: Friendly banter, borne out of bad memories. It went down badly, and I have faith it can move forward but I suspect it needs more people.
I take your point about returning to the team, but there are people, former Cust team, that I just don't see returning, there's too much frustration and hurt there. Drama and accusations of 'changing like the wind', speaking personally I cannot see me returning to the Cust team, presently or any time in the future.
I'm not ready for that, I'm not ready for doing support on a consistent and regular basis, I'm still very angry in a lot of ways - not at anyone or anything, just generally angry - and that the current makeup of the team (both at Cust team level and SMF team level, really) is one that I'm personally not compatible with; it would just result in a lot of arguments and tension.
Quote from: Arantor on April 22, 2010, 04:56:13 PM
It encourages me to think there are people that Dime is considering as possibles for the Cust team; it's not like there have ever been that many strong candidates for it.
Aye, I'm glad to see that. I think it might shock people to find out that the last person to be successfully recruited (and yes, I said successfully, and many team members will remember why I use that word) straight into the Customize team, and not pulled from Support or the Friends, was when I was recruited over a year ago, and as I recall, it had been many months before that since the person before me. I also agree that it's hard to find good candidates, which explains the huge time gaps.
*nods* Virtually everyone else with purple badges came from Support - which IIRC includes [SiNaN], JBlaze, Nas and me, and likely others I've missed (sorry if I did)
One point I will make, as it's something that may be overlooked otherwise. If you're a strong enough coder to make it onto the team, you're probably strong enough to help on the site project.
One point I will make, as it's something that may be overlooked otherwise. If you're a strong enough coder to make it onto the team, you're probably strong enough to help on the site project.
That's true for Customize, and mostly for Support, but not for Docs, Marketing, or Internationalization. Those three have almost nothing to do with writing code, so you can't really expect them to help with writing big pieces (although B may be an excellent coder, and I just don't know it).
Sorry, I did mean that statement specifically for Cust. team, since you're entirely correct.
It is really nice to hear this. But when its completed? And how its worked?
Will those issues get fixed with the new "rewrite"?:

An idea: Related Mods / Themes 

Quote from: Yağız... on May 28, 2010, 02:57:43 PMhow would you determine whether there's a relation between mods? or you just want to add couple more from selected category?
An idea: Related Mods / Themes
another idea might be to add tags to mods, so you could search by certain tags, that might not have been included in the description of the mods, therefore those mods wouldn't show up when you search for a specified word
I know its probably said before but would be nice if the avatar packs were separated from actually mods
another category for graphics such as ranks or smilies

another category for graphics such as ranks or smilies

Quote from: flapjack on May 28, 2010, 04:59:26 PMBy:
how would you determine whether there's a relation between mods? or you just want to add couple more from selected category?
another idea might be to add tags to mods, so you could search by certain tags, that might not have been included in the description of the mods, therefore those mods wouldn't show up when you search for a specified word

good one Yağız! 

Already have plans for tagging... related customizations would be a nice one, and as Yagiz pointed out, easy to do with tags.
As for separate categories... there will be separate categories for mods, themes, avatars, and smileys
As for separate categories... there will be separate categories for mods, themes, avatars, and smileys
Quote from: SlammedDime on May 28, 2010, 05:46:31 PMthat's the spirit
Already have plans for tagging... related customizations would be a nice one, and as Yagiz pointed out, easy to do with tags.

Quote from: flapjack on May 28, 2010, 05:52:44 PMYAY!Quote from: SlammedDime on May 28, 2010, 05:46:31 PMthat's the spirit
Already have plans for tagging... related customizations would be a nice one, and as Yagiz pointed out, easy to do with tags.go Yagiz!

Figured I might as well update while I have a few minutes...
I decided to rewrite parts of the core framework which then in turned caused me to have to reorganize and re-template everything I had already done. Fortunately I have finished with that and I am back in the swing of adding and coding again, and with the changes I made, development time should drastically speed up in terms of how long it takes to implement various things. Not only is this my first time working with OOP based MVC model, but since I am writing the MVC myself, sometimes things have to change for the greater good, so to speak.
Something we decided to do was allow mod and theme authors to specify a license for their work as well, which has also been implemented now.
So here we go, just truckin along...
I decided to rewrite parts of the core framework which then in turned caused me to have to reorganize and re-template everything I had already done. Fortunately I have finished with that and I am back in the swing of adding and coding again, and with the changes I made, development time should drastically speed up in terms of how long it takes to implement various things. Not only is this my first time working with OOP based MVC model, but since I am writing the MVC myself, sometimes things have to change for the greater good, so to speak.
Something we decided to do was allow mod and theme authors to specify a license for their work as well, which has also been implemented now.
So here we go, just truckin along...
good news, thanks for sharing
I have one question though about the licences - wouldn't GPL-like licences for mods interfere with SMF licence?
I have one question though about the licences - wouldn't GPL-like licences for mods interfere with SMF licence?
I like the licenses maybe have some prefilled options like bsd. Or option for custom license
Both are done... I have about 70 prefilled Open Source licenses, as well as the option for a custom license with a text box the user can enter it into.
Wow. I didn't know there were that many open source licenses. Glad its in there.
Quote from: Daydreamer on May 22, 2010, 06:53:02 PMI mean template system. I think "tabs" (like ajax tabs) should be great. Have we any demo yet?
It is really nice to hear this. But when its completed? And how its worked?

Quote from: flapjack on August 12, 2010, 05:43:56 PMYes and no...
good news, thanks for sharing
I have one question though about the licences - wouldn't GPL-like licences for mods interfere with SMF licence?
QuoteCan I apply the GPL when writing a plug-in for a non-free program?
If the program uses fork and exec to invoke plug-ins, then the plug-ins are separate programs, so the license for the main program makes no requirements for them. So you can use the GPL for a plug-in, and there are no special requirements.
If the program dynamically links plug-ins, and they make function calls to each other and share data structures, we believe they form a single program, which must be treated as an extension of both the main program and the plug-ins. This means that combination of the GPL-covered plug-in with the non-free main program would violate the GPL. However, you can resolve that legal problem by adding an exception to your plug-in's license, giving permission to link it with the non-free main program.
See also the question I am writing free software that uses a non-free library.
The TOS/AUP that accompanies the new customize site will make provisions for this... essentially stating that by uploading any modification on our site, you give the right to redistribute and use the modification without royalty and that you grant SimpleMachines an exception in using your plugin/modification by users in the software. (it will be far more elaborate than that, but that's the gist)
According to the FSF and GPL fanboys, SMF is considered 'non-free' due to it's licensing terms, so the above applies to SMF.
Quote from: Daydreamer on August 12, 2010, 06:05:49 PMNo demo's at this time... there probably won't be for the general community, only for teamies once it is uploaded to our Area51 for QA testing... the general community will likely see it once it's released (no ETA at this time).Quote from: Daydreamer on May 22, 2010, 06:53:02 PMI mean template system. I think "tabs" (like ajax tabs) should be great. Have we any demo yet?
It is really nice to hear this. But when its completed? And how its worked?![]()
Would be nice to have an outdated category for mods that are not updated in a long time...
Not such... maybe something automatic... maybe in the category of Mods for your version of SMF
Like this:
Like this:
QuoteMods for your version of SMF
- SMF 1.1.11
- SMF 2.0 RC3
- Outdated Mods
I think a warning that a mod hasn't been updated past a certain time when in the page for a mod would be better. Where you have it is to help when searching for mods to use for your site, and who'd want to search for an outdated mod?
Quote from: Cassiel on August 12, 2010, 07:53:38 PM
I think a warning that a mod hasn't been updated past a certain time when in the page for a mod would be better. Where you have it is to help when searching for mods to use for your site, and who'd want to search for an outdated mod?
Some mods aren't updated in a long time but they can be pretty useful and stable and a warn like that would make people think that install a mod with it would be a bad idea when actually isn't.
Regardless, putting a section for Outdated Mods in the Version of SMF section in the Mods page is pointless. The useful, old mods that people would still install that you mentioned would just be searched for instead of browsed through by version number, because the only reason they would need a mod that old would be if they needed that specific functionality. So they would go search for that functionality that they need, and find that mod, instead of browsing through and not finding it in the list of 1.1.11 and 2.0 RC3 mods.
I don't see a point for changing it. If they need a mod that old then it's because they need it for a specific reason that they can't use an older mod. Making it easy for people to search through and installing an older mod that is not being supported would just lead to a lot of disgruntled users. The way it is now, people find that mod that they need (even if it's old) and use it. They take the risk of not getting support for using an old mod.
Which is what the warning is for. It tells the user not to expect support from the mod author, or any more updates and bug fixes from this mod. If they want support/updates then them installing that mod is indeed a bad idea, and they should not go through with it (which is what the mod would prevent from happening). If they still need that mod that badly, and there is no other mod that can replace it, then they should install the mod. But still realistically not expect official support on it.
I should really learn to condense what I say. That was way too much to type to explain so little.
I don't see a point for changing it. If they need a mod that old then it's because they need it for a specific reason that they can't use an older mod. Making it easy for people to search through and installing an older mod that is not being supported would just lead to a lot of disgruntled users. The way it is now, people find that mod that they need (even if it's old) and use it. They take the risk of not getting support for using an old mod.
Which is what the warning is for. It tells the user not to expect support from the mod author, or any more updates and bug fixes from this mod. If they want support/updates then them installing that mod is indeed a bad idea, and they should not go through with it (which is what the mod would prevent from happening). If they still need that mod that badly, and there is no other mod that can replace it, then they should install the mod. But still realistically not expect official support on it.
I should really learn to condense what I say. That was way too much to type to explain so little.
as for outdated mod, maybe go for same way as Wordpress went and ask community to give thumbs up/down whether the mod can be installed with particular version of SMF?
Quote from: flapjack on August 14, 2010, 09:26:46 PMIt's the my love on wordpress plugins pages. And yes! It's must be absolutely!
as for outdated mod, maybe go for same way as Wordpress went and ask community to give thumbs up/down whether the mod can be installed with particular version of SMF?
Quote from: flapjack on August 14, 2010, 09:26:46 PM
as for outdated mod, maybe go for same way as Wordpress went and ask community to give thumbs up/down whether the mod can be installed with particular version of SMF?
* live627 looks for the Like button...
Cassiel - I agree with what you're saying... there probably will not even be options to 'search by your version' like we currently have (except on the search page itself).
flapjack - I was actually thinking of that myself... the problem is, is that I don't want some newb coming along, having a hard time installing it, and giving it a thumbs down because of their own issues... as far as SMF is concerned, it either works on a version out of the box, or it doesn't... there isn't any middle ground. For determining what versions of SMF a package works with, the new site will use the package-info.xml files (and theme-info.xml for themes). So if an author puts 1.1.0-1.1.99, the mod site will show it as working for all 1.1.x versions, so as new versions of SMF become available, the author doesn't need to update the page. *most* mods would fall into this category for a 'Gold' release of SMF... it's very rare that a minor update to SMF causes a mod not to work (unless the mod isn't coded properly (more on that below). I think the new way of determining what version of SMF a mod works with will be much better than we currently have with the checkboxes.
As for coding standards, we plan on implementing a 'Editor's Choice' award that any customization is eligible to receive as long as it meets a strict set of coding guidelines that will be published around the time that feature is implemented. We will have our normal 'Community Customizer' program which will allow the community to help in analyzing mods before approval, with the customize team giving final approval, and once a mod is approved, the author can request an 'Editor's Review', in which the customize team will check the mod against the coding guidelines. If the customization passes, it will be given the award. This is aimed at getting more mods on the mod site (or older ones updated) that will make everyone's lives easier when coding and installing. The customize team typically knows the SMF code inside and out, and we are able to make recommendations (which would be in the coding guidelines) that will allow mod authors to make 'fool proof' modifications and modifications hopefully requiring less support requests due to their robustness (or something like that).
*Note: the actual name of the award and process haven't been hammered out yet... I've merely used the above so that it makes it more obvious as to what we have planned*
flapjack - I was actually thinking of that myself... the problem is, is that I don't want some newb coming along, having a hard time installing it, and giving it a thumbs down because of their own issues... as far as SMF is concerned, it either works on a version out of the box, or it doesn't... there isn't any middle ground. For determining what versions of SMF a package works with, the new site will use the package-info.xml files (and theme-info.xml for themes). So if an author puts 1.1.0-1.1.99, the mod site will show it as working for all 1.1.x versions, so as new versions of SMF become available, the author doesn't need to update the page. *most* mods would fall into this category for a 'Gold' release of SMF... it's very rare that a minor update to SMF causes a mod not to work (unless the mod isn't coded properly (more on that below). I think the new way of determining what version of SMF a mod works with will be much better than we currently have with the checkboxes.
As for coding standards, we plan on implementing a 'Editor's Choice' award that any customization is eligible to receive as long as it meets a strict set of coding guidelines that will be published around the time that feature is implemented. We will have our normal 'Community Customizer' program which will allow the community to help in analyzing mods before approval, with the customize team giving final approval, and once a mod is approved, the author can request an 'Editor's Review', in which the customize team will check the mod against the coding guidelines. If the customization passes, it will be given the award. This is aimed at getting more mods on the mod site (or older ones updated) that will make everyone's lives easier when coding and installing. The customize team typically knows the SMF code inside and out, and we are able to make recommendations (which would be in the coding guidelines) that will allow mod authors to make 'fool proof' modifications and modifications hopefully requiring less support requests due to their robustness (or something like that).
*Note: the actual name of the award and process haven't been hammered out yet... I've merely used the above so that it makes it more obvious as to what we have planned*
Quote from: SlammedDime on August 15, 2010, 12:26:45 AMCassiel - I agree with what you're saying... there probably will not even be options to 'search by your version' like we currently have (except on the search page itself).I think that maybe in the advanced search can appear "Compatible with 1.1.11", "Compatible with 2.0 RC3" and "Outdated Version" instead of every SMF version...
Quote from: SlammedDime on August 15, 2010, 12:26:45 AMflapjack - I was actually thinking of that myself... the problem is, is that I don't want some newb coming along, having a hard time installing it, and giving it a thumbs down because of their own issues... as far as SMF is concerned, it either works on a version out of the box, or it doesn't... there isn't any middle ground. For determining what versions of SMF a package works with, the new site will use the package-info.xml files (and theme-info.xml for themes). So if an author puts 1.1.0-1.1.99, the mod site will show it as working for all 1.1.x versions, so as new versions of SMF become available, the author doesn't need to update the page. *most* mods would fall into this category for a 'Gold' release of SMF... it's very rare that a minor update to SMF causes a mod not to work (unless the mod isn't coded properly (more on that below). I think the new way of determining what version of SMF a mod works with will be much better than we currently have with the checkboxes.You have a point there...
Quote from: SlammedDime on August 15, 2010, 12:26:45 AMAs for coding standards, we plan on implementing a 'Editor's Choice' award that any customization is eligible to receive as long as it meets a strict set of coding guidelines that will be published around the time that feature is implemented. We will have our normal 'Community Customizer' program which will allow the community to help in analyzing mods before approval, with the customize team giving final approval, and once a mod is approved, the author can request an 'Editor's Review', in which the customize team will check the mod against the coding guidelines. If the customization passes, it will be given the award. This is aimed at getting more mods on the mod site (or older ones updated) that will make everyone's lives easier when coding and installing. The customize team typically knows the SMF code inside and out, and we are able to make recommendations (which would be in the coding guidelines) that will allow mod authors to make 'fool proof' modifications and modifications hopefully requiring less support requests due to their robustness (or something like that).I think the idea of a Community Customizer wouldn't be a bad idea... but it can't be as Community Support Helper because those are people mods and not everyone is capable of doing such a job...
@Malboro: We aren't going to accept everybody, only people capable (not like u :p) are going to be CC and their actions are going to be "moderated" by the customizers.
my thought about rating was about mods/themes, which development stopped at some point and are considered abandoned by their creators, not for all of them
Glad to hear about "editors Reviews" idea - sounds like a worthwhile feature to be adding.
But will it also apply to themes? Or do you plan on something else there?
But will it also apply to themes? Or do you plan on something else there?
Quote from: Bloc on August 15, 2010, 01:53:23 PMYea, I'd like to do it on themes as well, but it would probably have a different name than for mods, but would be based on the same idea (and perhaps some added criteria (ie: no themes with just a few color changes changes))
Glad to hear about "editors Reviews" idea - sounds like a worthwhile feature to be adding.
But will it also apply to themes? Or do you plan on something else there?
Quote from: SlammedDime on August 15, 2010, 02:10:06 PMQuote from: Bloc on August 15, 2010, 01:53:23 PMYea, I'd like to do it on themes as well, but it would probably have a different name than for mods, but would be based on the same idea (and perhaps some added criteria (ie: no themes with just a few color changes changes))
Glad to hear about "editors Reviews" idea - sounds like a worthwhile feature to be adding.
But will it also apply to themes? Or do you plan on something else there?
The same should apply for mods, I won't like to see a BBCode as a "Editor Reviewed" Mod
Quote from: Nibogo on August 15, 2010, 02:22:11 PMGood point, I wasn't really thinking about that, but since you mention it, I completely agree.Quote from: SlammedDime on August 15, 2010, 02:10:06 PMQuote from: Bloc on August 15, 2010, 01:53:23 PMYea, I'd like to do it on themes as well, but it would probably have a different name than for mods, but would be based on the same idea (and perhaps some added criteria (ie: no themes with just a few color changes changes))
Glad to hear about "editors Reviews" idea - sounds like a worthwhile feature to be adding.
But will it also apply to themes? Or do you plan on something else there?
The same should apply for mods, I won't like to see a BBCode as a "Editor Reviewed" Mod
Are the CCs going to be hand-picked by the Cust Team, or is there gonna be some kind of test that anyone who wants to join will have to take?
And does this mean that CCs are a psuedo-team position? Complete with their own badge and boards? It really doesn't matter to me. I'm just asking to satisfy curiosity.
And does this mean that CCs are a psuedo-team position? Complete with their own badge and boards? It really doesn't matter to me. I'm just asking to satisfy curiosity.
Quote from: live627 on August 15, 2010, 07:53:27 PMProbably no more detailed stats than what we have now...
Quote from: Cassiel on August 15, 2010, 10:03:20 PMWe don't have all of the details ironed out yet, however the CC's will be a freely joinable group, as long as you meet certain requirements (posts, mods/themes, competent in english, etc.) They will be like the Community Support Helper, no badge of their own, but maybe a board for discussions (which is probably unlikely, since discussions for customizations will be on the cust site itself, not on the boards)
Are the CCs going to be hand-picked by the Cust Team, or is there gonna be some kind of test that anyone who wants to join will have to take?
And does this mean that CCs are a psuedo-team position? Complete with their own badge and boards? It really doesn't matter to me. I'm just asking to satisfy curiosity.
About languages... it would be nice to allow users to send translations and then mod/theme makes approve them...
Have some plans for that, but that'll be bit further off.
How will the time offsets work? I use the [time][/time] tag a lot, and it displays the time offsetted wrongly.
Wasn't aware there was an issue with that, we'll have to cross that bridge when we get to it...
I don't like the idea of "Compatible With" is based on the template file. Especially many mods back from the RC1 days used the "2.0-2.99" format, but they are not compatible with newer versions in many cases, and if the author didn't update it, people will be screwed. This applies to themes as well.
I like the idea about CC's. I asume friends would be joining this way?
I like the idea about CC's. I asume friends would be joining this way?
Any update on this?
Still a WIP... I have one key part of the site I need to finish before it goes to the team and friends for review and testing and bug fixing...
i look forward to seeing what you have done, but if the code you let me see is anything to go by looks promising
so, SlammedDime is now a SMF friend, is anybody in the team working on this? any plans?
there's quite a good ideas in here, it will be a shame if this got lost.
there's quite a good ideas in here, it will be a shame if this got lost.
I committed all of my work to SVN in hopes that the next lead would pick up where I left off. I do still have write access to SVN and will help out if needed as well.
we asked same question in The Asylum (seriously thats what the friends board is called) and IchBin the new lead says it is being worked on by Himself and B
ok, I'll keep an eye on this for future updates.
I'm gonna be a total badass here and bump a 1+ year old topic. Whatcha gonna do about it? 
Is this still being worked on? It's been like what, two years now and still no progress seen what so ever? The current customisation site is ridiculous to say the least. Not that it matters since I don't really use it any more but I'm just curious as to what's happened to this project. Another failure, is it?

Is this still being worked on? It's been like what, two years now and still no progress seen what so ever? The current customisation site is ridiculous to say the least. Not that it matters since I don't really use it any more but I'm just curious as to what's happened to this project. Another failure, is it?
We aren't gonna use SD code, we are gonna use smcore as the platform instead. We have a board for it, perhaps you can see it, not so sure who can see it though.
Yes, the new Customization site surely is my top goal.
I wouldn't say failure, yes it's been years but in all those years both the Dev and Cus team were always short on staff.
Yes, the new Customization site surely is my top goal.
I wouldn't say failure, yes it's been years but in all those years both the Dev and Cus team were always short on staff.
Not to mention the turnover on who's working on it and how they think it should be done.
Basing iit on SMCore!? Sorry, but I don't see a final version rolled out before three year's time.
While it may be true that it'll probably be a couple of years before we will see a smCore/SMF3 release. smCore will be ready before that, and it will be used in more than just the SMF release.
Also remember that the entire development model is different than it was before, as is the entire development team. While I can say "it's not going to take three years" all I want, that won't change anyone's opinion - the best way to prove it is to just get it done 

Quote from: Fustrate on April 10, 2012, 12:45:06 PMThat can have interesting results.
Also remember that the entire development model is different than it was before, as is the entire development team.
QuoteWhile I can say "it's not going to take three years" all I want, that won't change anyone's opinion - the best way to prove it is to just get it doneYep. Actions always speak louder than words.
Quote from: IchBin™ on April 10, 2012, 12:26:41 PMNot talking SMF here, but the entire cusstomisation site.
While it may be true that it'll probably be a couple of years before we will see a smCore/SMF3 release. smCore will be ready before that, and it will be used in more than just the SMF release.
Quote from: live627 on April 10, 2012, 07:21:49 PMQuote from: IchBin™ on April 10, 2012, 12:26:41 PMNot talking SMF here, but the entire cusstomisation site.
While it may be true that it'll probably be a couple of years before we will see a smCore/SMF3 release. smCore will be ready before that, and it will be used in more than just the SMF release.
That's why I was pointing out that smcore will be done first. Which the customize site will be using.