Thank You and Farewell
January 22, 2010, 04:41:11 PM Posted by Fustrate on January 22, 2010, 04:41:11 PM in Thank You and Farewell | 43 CommentsDear SMF Community Members,
I hereby tender my resignation to you, the community, as both Lead Customizer and Customizer. It's been a pleasure to serve you on the Simple Machines team for the last nine months, and a joy to get to know you for nearly two years before that. There are many of you who have shaped me into who I am today, and I am grateful for that. There are people such as erlend_sh who got me started on the reputation system, and kept encouraging me until I finally finished it, my first and favorite modification. There are others such as Dragooon, who I got to know and hope to still keep in touch with in the coming months and years. To team members such as JBlaze, Arantor, Antechinus and Jade Elizabeth, I can never repay the camaraderie you've shown me. To old enemies such as Runic and Owdy, I would like to apologize for not being the friend I could have been. As for everyone else, know that you've all played instrumental parts in my life, and will be fondly remembered.
When I sat down to write this, I was calm and resolute, but thinking of all of the wonderful people I'm leaving behind has actually brought tears to my eyes. I wish you well, and hope that the future finds you in good health. I know I'll be forgotten in time, but I'd like to think that my contributions will still be found long after.
Fustrate (YodaOfDarkness)
Former Lead Customizer
I hereby tender my resignation to you, the community, as both Lead Customizer and Customizer. It's been a pleasure to serve you on the Simple Machines team for the last nine months, and a joy to get to know you for nearly two years before that. There are many of you who have shaped me into who I am today, and I am grateful for that. There are people such as erlend_sh who got me started on the reputation system, and kept encouraging me until I finally finished it, my first and favorite modification. There are others such as Dragooon, who I got to know and hope to still keep in touch with in the coming months and years. To team members such as JBlaze, Arantor, Antechinus and Jade Elizabeth, I can never repay the camaraderie you've shown me. To old enemies such as Runic and Owdy, I would like to apologize for not being the friend I could have been. As for everyone else, know that you've all played instrumental parts in my life, and will be fondly remembered.
When I sat down to write this, I was calm and resolute, but thinking of all of the wonderful people I'm leaving behind has actually brought tears to my eyes. I wish you well, and hope that the future finds you in good health. I know I'll be forgotten in time, but I'd like to think that my contributions will still be found long after.
Fustrate (YodaOfDarkness)
Former Lead Customizer
Sad to see you leaving the team Fustrate.

We never got to know each-other, really, mate.
Sad that that won't change.
Even so, I'll miss seeing you around.
Sad that that won't change.
Even so, I'll miss seeing you around.

And SMF loses another damn good member.
You always spoke a lot of sense - shame to see you go.
Hope to see you around
Hope to see you around

No, but SMF has been a BIG part of his life.
Just as a note, I will be moderating this topic until my badge is removed (one week, standard procedure). This isn't for bickering in, it's what I feel is the right thing to do.
I know you and I have had our differences in our time together, and we didn't always see exactly eye to eye, but I can only express how much of a loss this is to SMF.
Take care out there in real life.
Take care out there in real life.
Although I don't really know you, it shocks me to find that another team member is fading into the gray
I know, i'm not that active on the forums here but I do look around trying to learn new things about SMF. I have many Team members that I look up to here, and admire a lot. You are one of them, and seeing you go like this really....well, hell i'll say it. It hurts inside. I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like for you Frustrate.
I sincerely hope that life bids you well. And that you continue on with your head held high, proud of your great service that you provided here. *removes hat (if I was wearing one) and holds it over my heart*
Best of luck.
I sincerely hope that life bids you well. And that you continue on with your head held high, proud of your great service that you provided here. *removes hat (if I was wearing one) and holds it over my heart*
Best of luck.
Fustrate, I know we never saw eye to eye, and I will admit you pissed me off, but we have ended the feud between each other while I never agreed with you being the Lead Cus, its a shame to see you leave
I still remember when you first popped up, you were soo excited and were here almost everyday.
Back then you were yoda something if I recall correct, but it was before you adopted the 'ofdarkness' part.
Well, whatever you do in life, do it well!!
Take care buddy, and enjoy your life
Back then you were yoda something if I recall correct, but it was before you adopted the 'ofdarkness' part.
Well, whatever you do in life, do it well!!
Take care buddy, and enjoy your life

Sabre: You're one of the ones I still remember from those days, Sabre
ya, I was amazingly excited (though I was always YodaOfDarkness, never just Yoda
) You take care, too!
Cassiel: Thanks, just know that I had fun while I was here, and you should always remember to do that
Runic: Too bad you're in Scotland (or are you in Finland right now?) or I'd give you a hug
live627: Just know that I left of my own accord, and as I told Cassiel, I had fun
Arantor: Some day I'm going to play that game you're developing, so make it good or else

Cassiel: Thanks, just know that I had fun while I was here, and you should always remember to do that

Runic: Too bad you're in Scotland (or are you in Finland right now?) or I'd give you a hug

live627: Just know that I left of my own accord, and as I told Cassiel, I had fun

Arantor: Some day I'm going to play that game you're developing, so make it good or else

Hey Fustrate,
I don't know you that well, but I am very sorry to see you leaving, but if it's better for your life, I am definitely happy for you!
God bless,
I don't know you that well, but I am very sorry to see you leaving, but if it's better for your life, I am definitely happy for you!
God bless,
Fustrate: You know damn straight it's gonna be good 

lol I always thought you had a different handle before yoda of darkness. *checks post history and sees he was wrong
[enter_cover_story] Well, back then I was usually logging in after a long day of skating, and a few beers, so no wonder I got that one mixed up.
[/end excuse]
I'm sure you wont be too far away mate, and if you are, drop by now n then.
Ya never know, one day we may even have a beer together, just don't ever fall asleep around me, I am famous for my texta to face technique! lol
laterz champ
[enter_cover_story] Well, back then I was usually logging in after a long day of skating, and a few beers, so no wonder I got that one mixed up.

I'm sure you wont be too far away mate, and if you are, drop by now n then.
Ya never know, one day we may even have a beer together, just don't ever fall asleep around me, I am famous for my texta to face technique! lol

laterz champ

Fustrate virtual hugs 
Also its Scotland atm when i eventually win lottery ill move back to finland

* Runic gives fustrate a big hug
Also its Scotland atm when i eventually win lottery ill move back to finland

Thanks for all your help over the past year. I truly have appreciated it. I've enjoyed your Member Awards mod so much (and so have my forum members). I guess I'll have to get my Ex to help me figure out how to get it working on RC2. DAMN YOU! I hate calling him for help! But, it gives me an excuse to ask him for more of the money he owes me! LOL!!!
But seriously, you've always been very helpful to me and like I said it is much appreciated. I've even learned some things because of your help, so thanks for that, too.
But seriously, you've always been very helpful to me and like I said it is much appreciated. I've even learned some things because of your help, so thanks for that, too.
Why do people have to be nasty? Arent there any mods left around here?!
Stay safe and keep coding
. You're awesome!
* Jade Elizabeth gives Fus a big huge hug
Stay safe and keep coding

Why are we losing so many good people?
* LC eyeballs Amy
I don't know who Amy is as far as nickname, but I've been told she is the captain of the SS SMF ship.
Frustrate, it is a shame to see you go. I wish you the best on any endeavors you may pursue in the future.

I think I need to make more "We love So and So threads." You guys don't get enough recognition for your hard work imo.
Quote from: LC on January 22, 2010, 08:48:49 PM* LC eyeballs Amy
I don't know who Amy is as far as nickname, but I've been told she is the captain of the SS ship.
Amacythe is Amy , and she is being trigger happy and banning those that are against her regime... some of her lapdogs are also being trigger happy in warnings etc ... darn for most of the day I have been on post moderation, wasnt till I found a loophole and got someone brave enough to remove them, I say brave enough as we are all counting till how long it be till we are banned
Quote from: LC on January 22, 2010, 08:48:49 PMThat was supposed to be SS SMF ship. My bad. Oddly I can't edit my post, or I would.
Why are we losing so many good people?* LC eyeballs Amy
I don't know who Amy is as far as nickname, but I've been told she is the captain of the SS ship.
Frustrate, it is a shame to see you go. I wish you the best on any endeavors you may pursue in the future.
I think I need to make more "We love So and So threads." You guys don't get enough recognition for your hard work imo.
Quote from: Runic on January 22, 2010, 08:52:56 PMQuote from: LC on January 22, 2010, 08:48:49 PM* LC eyeballs Amy
I don't know who Amy is as far as nickname, but I've been told she is the captain of the SS SMF ship.
Amacythe is Amy , and she is being trigger happy and banning those that are against her regime... some of her lapdogs are also being trigger happy in warnings etc ... darn for most of the day I have been on post moderation, wasnt till I found a loophole and got someone brave enough to remove them, I say brave enough as we are all counting till how long it be till we are banned

Wow... I truly am amazed that it has come to that.
This topic isn't about Amy or anything else, just for me to thank some of the people who've influenced me over the years.
You influenced me to go on to make more modifications
It's been an honour.

sorry fustrate i have taken it to pm
Good luck and farewell. Although I do not know the reasons why you are leaving, I can't help to feel that all the good people are leaving the sinking ship. One thing for sure, it will not be your fault if the new team will fail in their endeavors. Cheers...
Quote from: Fustrate on January 22, 2010, 09:19:37 PMSorry. I just didn't understand why so many of you have been going your separate ways. I completely understand now and I wish you the best.
This topic isn't about Amy or anything else, just for me to thank some of the people who've influenced me over the years.
Fustrate, I said several months ago that we need to weld that door shut because we had so many that were leaving. Guess that didn't happen.
Sorry to see you go. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope to see you around some. I'll miss your humor during/before the team meetings in IRC.

I'll try to be at the last one, just to see who will step up and speak for the Customization team.
Sad to see you leave Fustrate, you have done some pretty cool things, especially with the mod site. It looks good. 
I wish you the best of luck.

I wish you the best of luck.
Fustrate, though I never really knew you, I don't need to know somebody to appreciate their body of work. Your mods have been used by so many people, including myself, and have improved both the quality and potential of the SMF project. I sincerely wish you nothing but the best and hope you stick around.
Best wishes Fustrate, and thanks for your efforts towards SMF.
I only wish that all of the leaving team members had a chance to post a farewell thread before they were locked out.
I only wish that all of the leaving team members had a chance to post a farewell thread before they were locked out.
Quote from: Yahmez on January 23, 2010, 12:28:26 AM
Best wishes Fustrate, and thanks for your efforts towards SMF.
I only wish that all of the leaving team members had a chance to post a farewell thread before they were locked out.

Quote from: Ha² on January 22, 2010, 10:44:54 PM
Fustrate, though I never really knew you, I don't need to know somebody to appreciate their body of work. Your mods have been used by so many people, including myself, and have improved both the quality and potential of the SMF project. I sincerely wish you nothing but the best and hope you stick around.
I most likely won't stick around other than popping in every now and then to see how well you're taking care of my reputation mod

well, I did not really know you - but can see in my reading that you have done alot for the community.
Take care, mate!
Take care, mate!
Be careful out there in the real world kiddo.

good luck frustrate, 

Thank you for all that you have done. I'm sad to see you go. pls do make sure to stick around and come by from time to time :-) Otherwise i'll miss the fun
Good luck dude and thanks again

Good luck dude and thanks again

good luck man 

Thanks everyone 
As a note, I've turned the Advanced Reputation System mod over to Ha².

As a note, I've turned the Advanced Reputation System mod over to Ha².
sorry to see you go fustrate your reputation mod is brill after installing smf this was the first mod i installed
best of luck with your chosen path.
best of luck with your chosen path.
Quote from: Fustrate on January 22, 2010, 04:41:11 PMYou aren't my enemie. Good luck Fustrate and thank you for contributing this community
To old enemies such as Runic and Owdy, I would like to apologize for not being the friend I could have been.

Goodluck with future endeavors Fustrate. I always liked your personality and thought you were a decent leader. 

Take Care Fustrate. Such great work on the Customization site