Random spamming
April 09, 2009, 10:41:57 AM Posted by Marcus Forsberg on April 09, 2009, 10:41:57 AM in Random spamming | 12 CommentsSome of you might've noticed, I've had my Support Speicalist badge removed.
Or well, replaced, actually.
Ah yes, I've gone purple.
Now guys, keep those themes XHTML valid, or I'll give you a lesson or seven.

Or well, replaced, actually.
Ah yes, I've gone purple.
Now guys, keep those themes XHTML valid, or I'll give you a lesson or seven.

From green to purple, what's next? Hope not grey 

Red ofcourse 

(kidding, congrats on the move
* Jade Elizabeth bans Nas
(kidding, congrats on the move

Purple is the best team anyway. You will not want to switch to any other teams after being on PURPLE! 
Note: The above is a joke

Note: The above is a joke
I kind a like green, since I'm forced to accept you have no black badges 

Quote from: Shadow82x on April 09, 2009, 03:50:12 PM
Purple is the best team anyway.
Yeah. Pfft. Try gold out mate

Blue Badge FTW!!!
(of course, my trophy is blocking it's view...)
(of course, my trophy is blocking it's view...)
A good choice, certainly purple is the best! Good luck on your new team. Will you be doing themes or mods?
Quote from: Tenma on April 11, 2009, 08:49:44 AM
A good choice, certainly purple is the best! Good luck on your new team. Will you be doing themes or mods?
Nothing like coffee
(Hopefully I will be Purple too)
Congrats Nas

Congrats Nas

Why do they have to be XHTML valid? Why not HTML?
Maybe the purple team is for spammers, I mean the 2nd forum spammer is the team leader. Think about it