Get to know the team: Rumbaar
March 13, 2009, 12:10:26 AM Posted by Rumbaar on March 13, 2009, 12:10:26 AM in Get to know the team: Rumbaar | 37 Comments![]() | Name: Andrew aka Rumbaar aka Draconis. Age: 32 Location: Melbourne, Australia Quote: Victim's aren't we all. Position: Support Specialist |
- Do you have pets? No, just my computers ...
- What is your favourite colour? Kingfisher Blue #0099cc
- What kind of music do you like? All kinds, from Mozart to Rammstein, like beauty ... it's all in the beholder.
- What do you do on your free time besides spending time on SMF? Gym, but SMF seems to eat into most of that free time.
- What are your goals/dreams in life? Ha, to get out of it alive ...
- What got you involved in SMF? A site I was helping with installed SMF, I then used it on a friends site. Then another and the rest is history.
- Who do you admire? Why? All the community helpers we have here, to come back day after day with little or no thanks. Is a testament to the human spirit.
- Are you into sports? If so which ones? Wii sports ... and then I prefer Rock Band.
- What is your dream job? Getting paid to do this, helpdesk stuff. Variaty is the spice of life
- What was your first screenname? Rumbaar
- Do you have any piercing? Nope, though I've though one at least.
- Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? Depends on the activity, right handed mostly. But in sports lefty.
- Do you have any tattoo's? If not do you wish/plan to get one? Yes, two. One on my left peck and other right back shoulder
- Do you have any siblings? If so, how many of each? I'm 1 of 4, and the eldest.
- What is your favourite website? At the moment, I only visit 3-4 on daily basis. Mine, here and another.
- Do you play computer games? If so, which ones? For the most part and at the moment no, but the Wii has gotten me into more interactive ones like Rock Band and Guitar Hero. But I prefer RTS and FPS the most.
- Do you play video game consoles? Which ones? Wii, see above. I got it primarily for Resident Evil 4.
- Are you married or planing to get married? No, gotta find that second half first.
- If so do you have any kids?
- How many kids?
- How many languages do you speak? If so which ones? One, english, and not that good even.
- Do you drink? Occasionally, not as much as I used too.
- Do you smoke? No.
- Did you play hookey from class? When the opportunity was there.
- Do you have a license? I assume you mean car license, then yes.
- Do you own a car? Yep, Celcia '98
- Have you ever been stopped for speeding? Yes, but most of 'em are for silly speeds. Like who puts a speed trap on a freeway on ramp?!
- Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? For the most part, 6-8 hours.
- How do you sleep? With my eyes closed! How do you sleep??
- Have you ever been on an airplane? Yep, used to travel for business.
- Have you ever broken a bone? No, knock on wood!!! Don't jinx me!
- Do you wear jewellery? If so what jewellery do you wear? Nope, though used to wear dog tags or a thumb ring at one time.
- How do you dress? One leg at a time, one arm at a time. How do you dress?
- How many keys are on your keyring? At least 3 too many!
- What time do you go to bed? What time do you wake up? On average 11pm/6:45am, what you stalking me?!
- What's the freakiest thing you have done? Ha, put nothing into print you don't want people to know ...
- Do you live alone? Yes
- How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? 8 at work, 4-6 after work ... so too many.
- How many hours a day do you spend in SMF? Too many, at least 1-2 hours per day.
- What is your favourite beverage - coffee, tea, soda, beer, other? Coke
- What do you hate? Ignorance.
- What do you love?
- What is your religion? Agnostic
- What is your hair colour? Look at my photo ... what is it?
- How tall are you? ~182cm
- How much do you weigh? 95kg
- What's the feature on SMF you can't live without?
- As an administrator? Easy of mod installations and upgrades.
- As an end user? Quick reply.
For the most part I'm a loner, which at times can make me seem a little cold. I truly enjoy giving help, I like the occasional new piece of knowledge or solving that tricky issue. The variety, breaks many a dull day. We have a great community here as well, so that helps a lot.
QuoteDo you have any tattoo's? If not do you wish/plan to get one? Yes, two. One on my left peck and other right back shoulder
What is written or the symbol? I won't get surprised if you say "SMF Support".

QuoteHow do you dress? One leg at a time, one arm at a time. How do you dress?
I'm sure question didn't mean that, lol.
As I asked Aaron... in what direction would you like to see SMF go in the next year/3 years/5 years?
Quote from: Tenma on March 13, 2009, 10:06:08 AMWhat is written or the symbol? I won't get surprised if you say "SMF Support".On my chest a golden runic symbol, if you know WH40K you'll recognize it as an Eldar symbol. On my shoulder a dragon, I was born in the year of the dragon and have always liked them.
Ha, yes I'm sure that's not what they meant by the question

Quote from: Fustrate on March 13, 2009, 01:24:02 PMAs I'm a support person, my focus is on support. I'd like it to be easier to use, but it's hard as it's quite easy now. So I hope that general knowledge of the software is known by it's users by then. So basic php and html is better understood with the ability for most administrators to troubleshoot their own issues, as it become second nature to those using the internet.
As I asked Aaron... in what direction would you like to see SMF go in the next year/3 years/5 years?
Sounds good to me 

QuoteHow do you sleep? With my eyes closed! How do you sleep??
With my eyes WIDE open and staring dead ahead, a HUGE grin over my face, manic laughter suddenly every 15 - 20 minutes.
Actually, some people would believe that

And that blue is AWESOME!!!

Yeah it gets a little dry on the eyes though?
Yes that blue is!!
Yes that blue is!!
Quote from: Rumbaar on March 31, 2009, 07:37:23 PM
Yeah it gets a little dry on the eyes though?
Pfft, nah. The laughter brings tears of evilness

It puts the lotion on .. it puts the lotion on, or it gets the hose again ...
What kind of music do you like? Favorite Music Artist?
That is a tough one. I'll list my current 5 Star rate playlist and let you work it out:
So very eclectic!!
Code Select
The Beginning is the End is the Beginning - Smashing Pumpkins
Better than Me - Hinder
Common People - William Shatner
(Don't Fear) The Reaper - Blue Oyster Club
George - Headless Chickens
Go Your own way - Fleetwood Mac
Hold Your Colour - Pendulum
I hate this part = Pussycat Dolls
I never like you - Rogue Traders
Kids - MGMT
Leave me alone (I'm lonely) - Pink
Love comes up that Hills - Placebo/kate Bush Remix
Love Lockdown - Kanye West
Meds - Placebo
My Immortal = Evanescence
My Love - JT
My People - The Presets
No one - Alicia Keys
Open your eyes - Guano Apes
Recapturing the vie - Hilltop hoods
Right in two - Tool
See you again - Miley Cyrus
Sexy Back - JT
Snow (hey Oh) - Chilli peppers
Sober - Pink
Standing in the way of Control - The Gossip
Stay - Shakepear's Sister
The Boys in love - The presets
Thoughless(live) - Evanescence
Weekend Wars - MGMT
When I grow up - Pussycat dolls
So very eclectic!!
A lot more variety then me.
I Am a Walrus, Taxman, Penny Lane, Your Mother Should Know. Yeah great variety on my part.
I Am a Walrus, Taxman, Penny Lane, Your Mother Should Know. Yeah great variety on my part.
Quote from: ethankcvds on March 31, 2009, 10:01:02 PM
A lot more variety then me.
I Am a Walrus, Taxman, Penny Lane, Your Mother Should Know. Yeah great variety on my part.

Quote from: Rumbaar on March 13, 2009, 12:10:26 AM
- What kind of music do you like? All kinds, from Mozart to Rammstein, like beauty ... it's all in the beholder.
Rammstein is the s**t!!!
Is it pronounced "Rum Bar" or "Roomba with a silent r"?
Quote from: Fustrate on April 01, 2009, 01:30:02 AM
Is it pronounced "Rum Bar" or "Roomba with a silent r"?
Are you calling him a robot vacuum?

That's exactly what I always think of when I read his name...
For some strange reason, I can't think of anything but rum when I see Rumbaar on the forum 

QuoteLegend of the Drunken Lexa
I can't see why...

Quote from: JBlaze™ on April 01, 2009, 02:15:52 AMQuoteLegend of the Drunken Lexa
I can't see why...
I guess we'll never know

I guess not... 

It is pronounced as it's spelt. So RumBar. As in Rum the alcohol and Bar as in a place you get alcohol from.
Quote from: Rumbaar on April 01, 2009, 05:17:25 AM
As in Rum the alcohol and Bar as in a place you get alcohol from.
You rock

Now what's it really mean?

Quote from: Rumbaar on April 01, 2009, 05:17:25 AMis it a long aaaa sound? Because it's baar not bar, and that's confusing me.
It is pronounced as it's spelt. So RumBar. As in Rum the alcohol and Bar as in a place you get alcohol from.
* Jade smacks Fustrate with a phonics book
It's a short sound

* Jade has always said it short 

RUM bar or rum BAR?
POST ban or Post BAN?!
"Post BAN" should be "post BAN".
Read your phonics book!
Read your phonics book!
ha!, Say the word RUM, then say the word BAR. Join them together and you'll have your answer. But I've attached a recording that might help 


lol, you're just used to those North American's 

You sound like you're saying "Rumba" cause I'm so used to Americans emphasising Rs LOL
Well originally the name grew from the music festival called Rumba, that was on at the time I first came online.
LOL I so knew that. Not really.
Nah, you have an awesome voice
. Love it!
Nah, you have an awesome voice

That's what I was asking! The emphasis is on the RUM
and I agree with Jade

See Rumbaar, even the guys love you LMFAO
See Rumbaar, even the guys love you LMFAO
ha *blush*. It can be pronounces like the Dance as well
But I've been called many names.

I'm guessing we aren't allowed to use any names above PG-13 in here...