Posting by candlelight
January 05, 2008, 09:51:27 PM Posted by Thantos on January 05, 2008, 09:51:27 PM in Posting by candlelight | 12 CommentsSo after driving almost 900 miles in 12 hours I come home to find that I am without power. We got nailed by a storm yesterday and it seems it knocked out power to a lot of homes. Fortuantly I have my laptop and I upgraded by cell phone to have unlimited data so I am using my phone to connect my laptop to the internet. I've only got 50 more minutes of battery but fortunatly I still have my backup battery, though it is only a 6 cell instead of an 8 cell.
But see, this shows how much I like you guys
But see, this shows how much I like you guys

Hope you don't end up like this guy did
So 50 minutes turned out to really be 5 minutes
Now on my backup

Quote from: karlbenson on January 05, 2008, 09:52:47 PMRight after I got home I called the cell company and upgraded the phone and made sure it was active
Hope you don't end up like this guy did

I think I'll just go to bed. Don't feel like waiting for the power to come back.
Edit: I hear them working outside so I guess I'll wait a little longer. Though I'm already tired from the drive.
Edit: I hear them working outside so I guess I'll wait a little longer. Though I'm already tired from the drive.
T-45 minutes and counting 

see rhantos thats what happens when you dont say farwel to everyone
Have you been drinking - you seem to be slurring your type 

Quote from: RunicWarrior on January 06, 2008, 11:38:45 AMYou were more then welcome to wakeup at 4:50 and say bye
see rhantos thats what happens when you dont say farwel to everyone

I would have 

* SleePy would comment why thantos battery didn't last long but it isn't appropriate for public viewing 

Did you at least write down on paper the coding ideas you had

I hate when the power goes out. Once I wrote down a few ideas I had that came to me because I had nothing else to do besides think.
See you should've waited for me to get back up from the Canyon

I wanted to be home before Monday