So many things to do...
December 18, 2007, 04:40:38 PM Posted by metallica48423 on December 18, 2007, 04:40:38 PM in So many things to do... | 12 CommentsWell, time has definitely flown since the announcment of the Meeting of the Minds. Little do most people realize, that the time is near for this little shindig to get underway. This Friday, roughly 15 members of the team (I am estimating, i have not counted) will head to Tucson, Arizona for the meeting of the minds, myself included.
I didn't realize it until tonight but i have SO MUCH STUFF TO DO before I leave its not funny!!!
I have to:
- Pack
- Upgrade my laptop to OS X Leopard
- Get my music onto my iPod -- and get it straightened around.
- Buy new shoes
- Get a hair cut
- get my finances squared away (need spending money
), bills paid, etc.
- Deal with the holidays
- Deal with work.
- Deal with my final for a couple classes
- Figure out details for the teamie i gotta pick up and take to the airport
- Figure out how much it'll cost to park my car for the duration & figure that into my finances
- Have time for family
- Have time to spend with someone i care about deeply
And theres more going on too.
So much to do... so much to do...
Anyone want to donate some time?
Truth be told though, i'm ecstatic. I hope to have more stuff (pics, etc) available as i leave and get to Tucson
I didn't realize it until tonight but i have SO MUCH STUFF TO DO before I leave its not funny!!!
I have to:
- Pack
- Buy new shoes
- Get a hair cut
- get my finances squared away (need spending money

- Deal with the holidays
- Deal with work.
- Figure out how much it'll cost to park my car for the duration & figure that into my finances
- Have time for family
- Have time to spend with someone i care about deeply
And theres more going on too.
So much to do... so much to do...
Anyone want to donate some time?

Truth be told though, i'm ecstatic. I hope to have more stuff (pics, etc) available as i leave and get to Tucson

moved public 

Half of those can be done in 1 day if you have some dedication 

Yep, 'cause i can work 3 work shifts in one day!
A lot of it is already done. so...

A lot of it is already done. so...

Good luck.
Hair cut? Pffffft. 

my hair is too long for my liking... it is hanging in my eyes
Quote from: BlackMage on December 24, 2007, 09:41:45 PM
my hair is too long for my liking... it is hanging in my eyes
Well it it wasn't winter I would say get in a fight with a lawn mower.. Oh well, get in a fight with a snow blower.
Indeed, its too cold to be getting a short hair cut (in the northern hemisphere at least).
Quote from: karlbenson on December 25, 2007, 06:12:39 AM
Indeed, its too cold to be getting a short hair cut
Heh, true. For me however, I like my hair long regardless, so it has been known to come down to my neck. It doesn't now though.
My hairs a mess, but the parents didnt moan about that on Christmas day, but the fuzz on my face 

Heh add me to the list of people that needs a haircut and a long list of other things to do. I cant have long hair.
* SleePy thinks somebody should bring a lawn mower