New Contest! Help us write our birthday greeting!
August 16, 2007, 08:58:33 PM Posted by Thantos on August 16, 2007, 08:58:33 PM in New Contest! Help us write our birthday greeting! | 4 CommentsI just wanted to let you all know about a new Birthday Greeting Contest for SMF. Now is your chance to contribute something directly to SMF. The winner of the contest will have their entry used as SMF 2.0's birthday email greeting.
I look forward to your submissions!
I look forward to your submissions!
im only apprentice ... not full staff so am I ineligible? :p
Sorry but we are going to say that apprentices are not eligible to submit an entry. However, you will be allowed to vote during the team voting phase.

* sloopz goes of crying 

Great my first contest!!