Sick of People Replying to the Notifications?
June 27, 2007, 07:12:42 AM Posted by KGIII on June 27, 2007, 07:12:42 AM in Sick of People Replying to the Notifications? | 5 CommentsI was tired of people responding via email to the notices in their email about responses to their posts. So...
I will share what I did and how I did it....
I went to my email client and found the text. I found:
Rather than taking the time to be all sorts of an investigative journalist I simply searched the language sections for that string in the default theme.
I found it in Post.english.php and this code:
I wanted to get rid of the responses and leave a different message AND change it AND leave spaces so...
I changed it to this:
Feel free to use it, hack it, cheat it, write a mod, etc... I just wanted to let you know what I did and how I did it so that it worked for me.
I will share what I did and how I did it....
I went to my email client and found the text. I found:
A reply has been posted to a topic you are watching
Rather than taking the time to be all sorts of an investigative journalist I simply searched the language sections for that string in the default theme.
I found it in Post.english.php and this code:
Code Select
$txt['notification_reply'] = 'A reply has been posted to a topic you are watching by %s.' . "\n\n" . 'View the reply at: ';
I wanted to get rid of the responses and leave a different message AND change it AND leave spaces so...
I changed it to this:
Code Select
$txt['notification_reply'] = 'Do NOT reply to this email but consider this a courtesy notice - go TO the forum to reply as anything sent as a reply via email will NOT be seen by any humans.' . "\n\n" . 'A reply has been posted to a topic you are watching by %s.' . "\n\n" . 'View the reply at: ';
Feel free to use it, hack it, cheat it, write a mod, etc... I just wanted to let you know what I did and how I did it so that it worked for me.
I already made a mod that does something similar to that.
It suffix all emails (Meaning add to end) a little message telling people it is automated, bla bla bla, not to reply, bla bla bla, and provides the webmaster email if they do need to reply. Then it changes the from to another address which you can have on your site go nowhere or bounce back.
Messsage is customizable along with email address.
I use this on my server and have it does help agaisnt this and does add a little notice that is common to see about not replying to the message.
People don't read the full message which is why the from gets changed to the no reply address so those who don't get a bounced back email and might actually read the email they got
I already made a mod that does something similar to that.
It suffix all emails (Meaning add to end) a little message telling people it is automated, bla bla bla, not to reply, bla bla bla, and provides the webmaster email if they do need to reply. Then it changes the from to another address which you can have on your site go nowhere or bounce back.
Messsage is customizable along with email address.
I use this on my server and have it does help agaisnt this and does add a little notice that is common to see about not replying to the message.
People don't read the full message which is why the from gets changed to the no reply address so those who don't get a bounced back email and might actually read the email they got

courtasy is spelled courtesy, but I guass you already knew that 

Spelling error fixed and the mod sounds like a good idea - I hadn't seen it. This just adds the text to the very top and some white space below it. It was pretty easy and I haven't had anyone respond since BUT I have a pretty slow forum. 

is it just me or were you over nice about that? 

LOL Nah... Just plain ol' me without a bucket of beer into me yet.