SMF Growth
November 16, 2007, 01:41:59 PM Posted by Thantos on November 16, 2007, 01:41:59 PM in SMF Growth | 9 CommentsI started playing around with JPGraph the other day and decided to create a few graphs the shows the growth of the Community Forum as well as our bug reporting and closing rates.
The first graph is the number of new topics and posts per month. Posts are in blue and uses the left scale while topics are in red and uses the right scale. Releases are denoted by vertical lines with important ones being purple.
One thing to note is that some of the releases were done towards the end of a month so the spike might actually occur in the month after.
The second graph is the number of bugs opened in a given month and the number of bugs that were resolved or closed in that month.
I'm not sure what caused the February spike. The August spike was caused by the release of 2.0 Beta 1.
I hope to see some spikes after the MotM
The first graph is the number of new topics and posts per month. Posts are in blue and uses the left scale while topics are in red and uses the right scale. Releases are denoted by vertical lines with important ones being purple.
One thing to note is that some of the releases were done towards the end of a month so the spike might actually occur in the month after.
The second graph is the number of bugs opened in a given month and the number of bugs that were resolved or closed in that month.
I'm not sure what caused the February spike. The August spike was caused by the release of 2.0 Beta 1.
I hope to see some spikes after the MotM
what about during?
It would be interesting to see a lines of code-graph as well.
Quote from: Aäron on November 18, 2007, 06:36:16 AM
It would be interesting to see a lines of code-graph as well.
There is one in CVS. Seems to be a little outdated though. Perhaps there is a cron that hasn't run
Actually I just updated that graph a couple days ago.
My mistake. Saw the date and assumed it was old. Realise now that is just hasn't reached the next 'dateline'
I was confused the first time also. Took me a bit to realize it was in DD/MM/YY format.
Its about time something uses that format.
Anyway, some intresting graphs.
Anyway, some intresting graphs.
Nice graphs, Thantos
Any chance you could post the code you used (I know you used JPGraph, but your code you used for these graphs)?
I was going to run StatSVN on the SVN repository to get a nice lines of code graph (among other useful statistics), but I guess it would take way too long to run
I mean, seriously, MM/DD/YYYY makes no sense whatsoever.
Any chance you could post the code you used (I know you used JPGraph, but your code you used for these graphs)?
I was going to run StatSVN on the SVN repository to get a nice lines of code graph (among other useful statistics), but I guess it would take way too long to run
Quote from: Thantos on November 20, 2007, 01:18:08 PMConfused? That's a perfectly normal date format.
I was confused the first time also. Took me a bit to realize it was in DD/MM/YY format.
I mean, seriously, MM/DD/YYYY makes no sense whatsoever.
Quote from: Daniel15 on December 26, 2007, 01:54:39 AM
Nice graphs, Thantos
Any chance you could post the code you used (I know you used JPGraph, but your code you used for these graphs)?
Here is the code for the number of posts and topics. The other graph follows a similar method.
Code Select
require ("graph/jpgraph.php");
require ("graph/jpgraph_line.php");
require ('../community/SSI.php');
$graphfile = 'graphs/PostTopics.png';
$releases = array(
'2007-09' => 'SMF 1.1.4 , 1.0.12',
'2007-06' => 'SMF 1.1.3 , 1.0.11',
'2007-02' => 'SMF 1.1.2',
'2006-10' => 'SMF 1.0.9, patch 1.1 RC3',
'2006-08' => 'SMF 1.0.8, 1.1 RC3',
'2006-03' => 'SMF 1.0.7, patch 1.1 RC2',
'2005-12' => 'SMF 1.1 RC2',
'2006-01' => 'SMF 1.0.6',
'2005-05' => 'SMF 1.1 Beta 2',
'2005-06' => 'SMF 1.0.4, 1.0.5, 1.1 Beta 3',
'2005-09' => 'SMF 1.1 RC1',
'2005-02' => 'SMF 1.0.2',
'2005-01' => 'SMF 1.0.1',
'2004-10' => 'SMF 1.0 RC2',
'2004-08' => 'SMF 1.0 RC1',
'2004-06' => 'SMF 1.0 Beta 6',
'2004-03' => 'SMF 1.0 Beta 4.1',
'2003-09' => 'SMF 1.0 Beta 1',
$major_releases = array(
'2007-08' => 'SMF 2.0 Beta 1',
'2006-12' => 'SMF 1.1, 1.0.10',
'2005-03' => 'SMF 1.0.3, SMF 1.1 Beta Charter',
'2004-12' => 'SMF 1.0 Final',
$result = $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
SELECT date, posts, topics
FROM {$db_prefix}log_activity
ORDER BY date ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$data = array();
$topics = array();
$labels = array();
$months = array(1 => 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
while ($row = $smfFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result))
$datearr = explode('-', $row['date']);
$date = $datearr[0] . '-' . $datearr[1];
$data[$date] += $row['posts'];
$topics[$date] += $row['topics'];
$labels[$date] = $months[(int)$datearr[1]] . ' ' . $datearr[0];
$vlines = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($data AS $date => $dummy)
if (isset($releases[$date]))
$vline = new PlotLine(VERTICAL, $i+0.5, 'green', 1);
$labels[$date] = $releases[$date];
$vlines[] = $vline;
$vline = new PlotLine(VERTICAL, $i+0.5, 'purple', 1);
$labels[$date] = $major_releases[$date];
$vlines[] = $vline;
$data = array_values($data);
$labels = array_values($labels);
$topics = array_values($topics);
$margins = array(45,110,10,200);
$imgsize = array(max(400,count($data) * 20), 350);
$graph = new Graph($imgsize[0] + $margins[0] + $margins[1], $imgsize[1] + $margins[2] + $margins[3],"auto");
$graph->SetMargin($margins[0], $margins[1], $margins[2], $margins[3]);
$graph->legend->SetAbsPos(3,$imgsize[1] + $margins[2] + 10,"right","top");
$p = new LinePlot($data);
$p->SetLegend("New Posts");
$t = new LinePlot($topics);
$t->SetLegend("New Topics");
foreach($vlines AS $vline)
echo '<img src="', $graphfile, '" />';
And for those that want/need comments:
Code Select
require ("graph/jpgraph.php");
require ("graph/jpgraph_line.php");
require ('../community/SSI.php');
This includes SMF and the JP graph files that we need.
Code Select
$graphfile = 'graphs/PostTopics.png';
What file do we want to store the results in? This is going to be relative to our current file's path.
Code Select
$releases = array(
'2007-09' => 'SMF 1.1.4 , 1.0.12',
'2007-06' => 'SMF 1.1.3 , 1.0.11',
'2007-02' => 'SMF 1.1.2',
'2006-10' => 'SMF 1.0.9, patch 1.1 RC3',
'2006-08' => 'SMF 1.0.8, 1.1 RC3',
'2006-03' => 'SMF 1.0.7, patch 1.1 RC2',
'2005-12' => 'SMF 1.1 RC2',
'2006-01' => 'SMF 1.0.6',
'2005-05' => 'SMF 1.1 Beta 2',
'2005-06' => 'SMF 1.0.4, 1.0.5, 1.1 Beta 3',
'2005-09' => 'SMF 1.1 RC1',
'2005-02' => 'SMF 1.0.2',
'2005-01' => 'SMF 1.0.1',
'2004-10' => 'SMF 1.0 RC2',
'2004-08' => 'SMF 1.0 RC1',
'2004-06' => 'SMF 1.0 Beta 6',
'2004-03' => 'SMF 1.0 Beta 4.1',
'2003-09' => 'SMF 1.0 Beta 1',
$major_releases = array(
'2007-08' => 'SMF 2.0 Beta 1',
'2006-12' => 'SMF 1.1, 1.0.10',
'2005-03' => 'SMF 1.0.3, SMF 1.1 Beta Charter',
'2004-12' => 'SMF 1.0 Final',
A list of releases that I could find the month and year for. I split off what I thought were the major ones so I could easily give them a different color.
Code Select
Just in case I didn't put them into ascending order this will make it so. Good to use if you were dynamically loading those two arrays.
Code Select
$result = $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
SELECT date, posts, topics
FROM {$db_prefix}log_activity
ORDER BY date ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
log_activity is the one that stores how the stats for each day. So we want to get all days and then run through them.
Code Select
$data = array();
$topics = array();
$labels = array();
Just some place to store the results.
Code Select
$months = array(1 => 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
while ($row = $smfFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result))
$datearr = explode('-', $row['date']);
$date = $datearr[0] . '-' . $datearr[1];
$data[$date] += $row['posts'];
$topics[$date] += $row['topics'];
$labels[$date] = $months[(int)$datearr[1]] . ' ' . $datearr[0];
Ok for each day we need to get only the month and year because we are doing monthly totals and not daily totals. After reconstructing the date add that day's posts and topics to the running sum. Also make sure the label is set for that month.
Code Select
$vlines = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($data AS $date => $dummy)
if (isset($releases[$date]))
$vline = new PlotLine(VERTICAL, $i+0.5, 'green', 1);
$labels[$date] = $releases[$date];
$vlines[] = $vline;
$vline = new PlotLine(VERTICAL, $i+0.5, 'purple', 1);
$labels[$date] = $major_releases[$date];
$vlines[] = $vline;
Go through each release and set a vertical line at that month and change the label to show the release instead of the month/year
Code Select
$data = array_values($data);
$labels = array_values($labels);
$topics = array_values($topics);
JPgraph expects the arrays to be normal arrays and not associative arrays.
Code Select
$margins = array(45,110,10,200);
$imgsize = array(max(400,count($data) * 20), 350);
$graph = new Graph($imgsize[0] + $margins[0] + $margins[1], $imgsize[1] + $margins[2] + $margins[3],"auto");
$graph->SetMargin($margins[0], $margins[1], $margins[2], $margins[3]);
This just sets up the graph and the size of the image.
Code Select
Set the axis colors
Code Select
This gives the Y scale a little play room. It also sets the X axis labels and turns the labels so that they are vertical.
Code Select
$graph->legend->SetAbsPos(3,$imgsize[1] + $margins[2] + 10,"right","top");
Moves the graph's legend into the right spot.
Code Select
$p = new LinePlot($data);
$p->SetLegend("New Posts");
This creates the line plot for posts, sets the color to blue, and labels the plot.
Code Select
$t = new LinePlot($topics);
$t->SetLegend("New Topics");
This creates the line plot for topics, sets the color to red, and labels the plot.
Code Select
This adds the posts graph to the first Y axis and the topics graph to the second Y axis.
Code Select
foreach($vlines AS $vline)
This adds all the release lines to the graph.
Code Select
echo '<img src="', $graphfile, '" />';
This says to go and actually create the final image. Since I gave it a filename it'll output the image to that file instead of the screen which is why I echo an image tag so I can see the results also.