Im Going through Changes ....
June 17, 2013, 12:32:08 PM Posted by Deaks on June 17, 2013, 12:32:08 PM in Im Going through Changes .... | 43 CommentsHello Humble Readers,
It's that time of year for SMF, election season, March and June for SMF are months that team members either dread or look forward to.
In March I was honoured and elected to the position of Project Manager, this is obviously old news now, BUT what about June, well June is the time we hold Lead elections, it's when the new team leads are voted in by their team.
Support this was the easiest election, as K@ was the only nomination and by a landslide as expected he kept his position for another year. K@ is one of the unsung hero's of SMF he does an amazing job as a lead, he is the agony uncle for many of the team, and he's a great friend of everyone's, so seeing him keep his seat was amazing.
Localization, had 2 candidates fielded, but with the sudden, un-seen departure of Relyana, Dzonny got re-elected. It was an interesting time for this team as everyone in Localization including the candidates wanted both to get the Lead badge. So firstly a big congrats to Dzonny, but also send our thoughts to Relyana and remind her that she is missed and of coursed welcomed back when she is ready.
Docs team had one candidate nominated, Illori, and got voted in by all 3 members, it's one of the teams that saw a new lead come forward, so I want to take this time to thank AngelinaBelle for her hard work and we look forward to seeing her without the pink badge when she has time to help again.
Customization, this vote saw a well fought battle from both candidates, with 1 vote in it, one of the closest Customization Lead votes I have ever seen, but unfortunately the challenger Yoshi lost out, and Gary retained his seat. A big well done to Yoshi for putting on a good election, and I look forward to next years.
Development, this was a difficult one that caused me much headaches, the final result ended up in a draw, It took me hours upon hours looking and analysing everything that is in public and team domain, and took me another 5 hours to type up my decision. Labradoodle fought all the way and has been a good sport in accepting the result, but for the crucial role, his experience and fact I have never seen this guy stressed or angry, my decision was to make Oldiesmann the new Lead Dev. Each candidate had flaws and strengths, and I wish to congratulate them both for being willing to take on one of the hardest roles.
So my rambling is finished so lets all welcome the new and returning leads, and to make it easier I have listed them below:
Customization – Gary
Development – Oldiesmann
Documentation – Illori
Localization – Dzonny
Support – K@
I am confident that with our new leads we can start shaping SMF into what we all dream it should be.
For those worried, Oldiesmann will continue to do work on the site when needed.
Hope you enjoyed my rambles, remember we are always looking for staff so keep helping and you may get noticed.
P.S 10 points for those that correctly guess the song and artists from the lyrical title.
It's that time of year for SMF, election season, March and June for SMF are months that team members either dread or look forward to.
In March I was honoured and elected to the position of Project Manager, this is obviously old news now, BUT what about June, well June is the time we hold Lead elections, it's when the new team leads are voted in by their team.
Support this was the easiest election, as K@ was the only nomination and by a landslide as expected he kept his position for another year. K@ is one of the unsung hero's of SMF he does an amazing job as a lead, he is the agony uncle for many of the team, and he's a great friend of everyone's, so seeing him keep his seat was amazing.
Localization, had 2 candidates fielded, but with the sudden, un-seen departure of Relyana, Dzonny got re-elected. It was an interesting time for this team as everyone in Localization including the candidates wanted both to get the Lead badge. So firstly a big congrats to Dzonny, but also send our thoughts to Relyana and remind her that she is missed and of coursed welcomed back when she is ready.
Docs team had one candidate nominated, Illori, and got voted in by all 3 members, it's one of the teams that saw a new lead come forward, so I want to take this time to thank AngelinaBelle for her hard work and we look forward to seeing her without the pink badge when she has time to help again.
Customization, this vote saw a well fought battle from both candidates, with 1 vote in it, one of the closest Customization Lead votes I have ever seen, but unfortunately the challenger Yoshi lost out, and Gary retained his seat. A big well done to Yoshi for putting on a good election, and I look forward to next years.
Development, this was a difficult one that caused me much headaches, the final result ended up in a draw, It took me hours upon hours looking and analysing everything that is in public and team domain, and took me another 5 hours to type up my decision. Labradoodle fought all the way and has been a good sport in accepting the result, but for the crucial role, his experience and fact I have never seen this guy stressed or angry, my decision was to make Oldiesmann the new Lead Dev. Each candidate had flaws and strengths, and I wish to congratulate them both for being willing to take on one of the hardest roles.
So my rambling is finished so lets all welcome the new and returning leads, and to make it easier I have listed them below:
Customization – Gary
Development – Oldiesmann
Documentation – Illori
Localization – Dzonny
Support – K@
I am confident that with our new leads we can start shaping SMF into what we all dream it should be.
For those worried, Oldiesmann will continue to do work on the site when needed.
Hope you enjoyed my rambles, remember we are always looking for staff so keep helping and you may get noticed.
P.S 10 points for those that correctly guess the song and artists from the lyrical title.
Congratulations to those nominated and those elected. I can't wait to see what new level you bring SMF to!
Good luck to the new leads, too. (You'll need it)
Good luck to the new leads, too. (You'll need it)

k@ incorrect with the guess keep trying though!
The only other one, that I can think of, is dear ol' Ozzy.
Congrats to all. Well done.
Would that be I've not much money by Johnny Cash ?
Quote from: Runic
P.S 10 points for those that correctly guess the song and artists from the lyrical title.
QuoteIm Going through Changes ....
Would that be I've not much money by Johnny Cash ?
close he did the song but this one was someone else b ut he did feature in it
Not Sabbath, then?
nope not sabbath

Congrats to everyone nominated, and in the end chosen 

glad to read that.... smf keep going forward
Congratulation for all...
Congratulation for all...
Congratulations to the new and continuing leads and appreciative applause for our heroes who weren't chosen this time and who mustn't underestimate how much we value them just because of it 

Congratulations to y'all! 

Runic, you need to write up the local council elections where I live, as you'd make them sound more interesting
Anyway, congratulations to all the winners (new and old), and keep up the great work

Anyway, congratulations to all the winners (new and old), and keep up the great work

Irisado, believe it or not im actually heavily into politics and will prob be standing in 2017 if my friend gets his way (hes a cllr and wants me to stand with him in 2017 for our party). Offer me enough money I may come down and do it 

Quote from: Runic on June 17, 2013, 02:07:59 PM
Irisado, believe it or not im actually heavily into politics and will prob be standing in 2017 if my friend gets his way (hes a cllr and wants me to stand with him in 2017 for our party). Offer me enough money I may come down and do it
That's you and me both then, since my soon to be finished PhD is (allegedly) in politics, and I also teach European politics.
Quote from: Runic on June 17, 2013, 12:32:08 PM
P.S 10 points for those that correctly guess the song and artists from the lyrical title.
all i could think of is you got a sex change and are going through menopause

Quote from: Illori on June 17, 2013, 02:46:01 PMQuote from: Runic on June 17, 2013, 12:32:08 PM
P.S 10 points for those that correctly guess the song and artists from the lyrical title.
all i could think of is you got a sex change and are going through menopause![]()
Have you noticed that all female issues start with "men"? No sex change needed LOL
3 Doors Down.
Brown Sugar
all incorrect
Screw the points then. All of the obvious answers have been provided. This little exercise is detracting from your overall message.
Congrats to all of the newly erected team leads!
Congrats to all of the newly erected team leads!

no K@ was closest, Ozzy did a song called changes, but so did his daughter and he featured on it 

Eh, you said Cash featured in it, your fault derailing people 
Anyway, congrats all!

Anyway, congrats all!

Quote from: CoreISP on June 17, 2013, 07:35:13 PM
Eh, you said Cash featured in it, your fault derailing people
Anyway, congrats all!
Monopoly cash probably.
Awesome, thanks for the update. For those of us not on the team, it's great to have these public announcements. 

Quote from: The Craw on June 17, 2013, 07:48:42 PM
Awesome, thanks for the update. For those of us not on the team, it's great to have these public announcements.
I can't agree more. Runic is doing a fantastic job being proactive and informative.
That he has. You're doing a great job, Runic.
Thanks guys 

That was nice writeup, reading it was interesting.
Nice work Runic..
And once again congratulations to all new Leads.
Nice work Runic..
And once again congratulations to all new Leads.
Congrats to K@.. 
And of course all others.

And of course all others.
Best wishes, congratulation top all and may some join the gospels but let politic be not part of it... that is simply time wasting BS
Ta, Frankie! 

Good to see things still churning here. Good luck Team leads!!
Let's just Walk!
Good to know. Thanks to all.
I would've guessed Black Sabbath - "Changes" too. They recorded it in 1972, featured on Black Sabbath, Vol 4. [nofollow]
Look forward to more from Simple Machines! [nofollow]
Look forward to more from Simple Machines!

well Ozzy wrote the song for Black Sabbath, but kelly re-released it few years ago with her father 

What's happened to your "Project Manager" role - did you sell it to the Kindred spirit?
lol no I resigned to focus more time on University and other offline commitments that have sprung up. Kindred is only intern PM for 2 weeks while a new PM is elected.