Get To Know The Team: Old Fossil
May 11, 2012, 06:38:32 PM Posted by TheListener on May 11, 2012, 06:38:32 PM in Get To Know The Team: Old Fossil | 53 CommentsName: Richard
Age: 39
Location: England
Position: Support Specialist
Do you have pets?
Two rescue cats and a dog. Their names are Jack, Jill (cats) Flash is the dog.
What kind of music do you like?
Anythjing from 1920s through to some of todays. I despise trance, garage, rap and hip hop.
What do you do on your free time besides spending time on SMF?
gardening, reading, watching tv, the pets, preparing for the radio station.
What got you involved in SMF?
I was with a forum which basically died so I looked into starting one myself. SMF looked easy enough so here I am 3 years later.
Are you into sports? If so which ones?
Got more sense.
What was your first screenname?
Do you have any piercings?
Not likely.
Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous?
Right Handed.
Do you have any tattoo's? If not do you wish/plan to get one?
No thanks.
Do you have any siblings? If so, how many of each?
1 half brother and sister. 1 sister.
What is your favorite website?
Sky News, TV and a camping related one.
Do you play video game consoles? Which ones?
Used to own a gameboy (original and SNES. Now own a Wii, PS2 and Nintendo DS
Are you married or planing to get married?
How many languages do you speak? If so which ones?
Do you drink?
Do you smoke?
Did you play hookey from class?
Do you have a license?
Do you own a car?
Skoda Fabia Estate called Francis.
Have you ever been stopped for speeding?
Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily?
Do you wear jewelry? If so what jewelry do you wear?
Only my watch.
How do you dress?
Shorts and t shirt if weather hot otherwise t shirt and jeans.
How many keys are on your keyring?
What time do you go to bed? What time do you wake up?
Do you live alone?
Partner and pets.
How many hours a day do you spend in the computer?
How many hours a day do you spend in SMF?
Always when online, same goes for time spent on my two forums.
What is your favorite beverage - coffee, tea, soda, beer, other?
Tea, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Irn Bru.
What do you hate?
Noisy kids, stuck up people, politics
Age: 39
Location: England
Position: Support Specialist
Do you have pets?
Two rescue cats and a dog. Their names are Jack, Jill (cats) Flash is the dog.
What kind of music do you like?
Anythjing from 1920s through to some of todays. I despise trance, garage, rap and hip hop.
What do you do on your free time besides spending time on SMF?
gardening, reading, watching tv, the pets, preparing for the radio station.
What got you involved in SMF?
I was with a forum which basically died so I looked into starting one myself. SMF looked easy enough so here I am 3 years later.
Are you into sports? If so which ones?
Got more sense.
What was your first screenname?
Do you have any piercings?
Not likely.
Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous?
Right Handed.
Do you have any tattoo's? If not do you wish/plan to get one?
No thanks.
Do you have any siblings? If so, how many of each?
1 half brother and sister. 1 sister.
What is your favorite website?
Sky News, TV and a camping related one.
Do you play video game consoles? Which ones?
Used to own a gameboy (original and SNES. Now own a Wii, PS2 and Nintendo DS
Are you married or planing to get married?
How many languages do you speak? If so which ones?
Do you drink?
Do you smoke?
Did you play hookey from class?
Do you have a license?
Do you own a car?
Skoda Fabia Estate called Francis.
Have you ever been stopped for speeding?
Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily?
Do you wear jewelry? If so what jewelry do you wear?
Only my watch.
How do you dress?
Shorts and t shirt if weather hot otherwise t shirt and jeans.
How many keys are on your keyring?
What time do you go to bed? What time do you wake up?
Do you live alone?
Partner and pets.
How many hours a day do you spend in the computer?
How many hours a day do you spend in SMF?
Always when online, same goes for time spent on my two forums.
What is your favorite beverage - coffee, tea, soda, beer, other?
Tea, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Irn Bru.
What do you hate?
Noisy kids, stuck up people, politics
Ohh now I know your name 

Quote from: Labradoodle-360 on May 11, 2012, 06:43:23 PM
Ohh now I know your name
* Old Fossil coughs
and my age.

Shouldn't put ya in my class then (noisy kids).
And you are younger then both of my parents so stop it
And you are younger then both of my parents so stop it

Cool, thanks for helping out.
I have learned a lot from your post.
I have learned a lot from your post.
Hahahaha know I know how old Old Fossil is

* Sonic X360 is gonna blab the news

Quote from: Old Fossil on May 11, 2012, 06:44:06 PMWhere do I post mine???Quote from: Labradoodle-360 on May 11, 2012, 06:43:23 PM
Ohh now I know your name* Old Fossil coughs
and my age.
Have you ever been to The Netherlands?

Er nope.
Er nope.
QuoteAre you married or planing to get married?
Not planning to either?

Quote from: (F.L.A.M.E.R) on May 12, 2012, 03:32:11 PMQuoteAre you married or planing to get married?
Not planning to either?
Not at my age.
You can if you want to.
It is never too late to get a companion.

I believe he has one.
Just not into marriage, one assumes.
Just not into marriage, one assumes.
Been together for almost 9 years too.

Nice name for you car, I often wonder when I'm going to give her a name lol.
Nice bio 

Er where's the questions folks or do ya think this oldtimer is boring?
One question: What type of dog do you have? My rescue dog was initially named Flash, but I renamed him to Jett.
Quote from: Colin on May 13, 2012, 01:01:46 PM
One question: What type of dog do you have? My rescue dog was initially named Flash, but I renamed him to Jett.
This is Flash. He was the only one in a litter of 7 with any white on him.

Bit of a heavy lapdog too.

Ah, mine is a border collie. I will have to dig up a picture here.
@Old manFossil, is that you under the dog?
Quote from: Old Fossil on May 13, 2012, 01:00:18 PM
Er where's the questions folks or do ya think this oldtimer is boring?
* K@ slaps the whippersnapper round the ol' boat.
Quote from: Labradoodle-360 on May 13, 2012, 02:59:14 PM
@OldmanFossil, is that you under the dog?
Sure is.
Quote from: Old Fossil on May 12, 2012, 05:00:44 PM
Been together for almost 9 years too.
awwww come on! Even Gene Simmons can do it!

Good to know I'm not the only old fart on this team.
Quote from: IchBin™ on May 15, 2012, 02:43:07 PM
I'm the only old fart on this team.
Corrected for ya Ichy
* K@ doesn't fart.
Quote from: K@ on May 15, 2012, 02:47:37 PM* K@ doesn't fart.
Lies!! I can smell it all the way across the pond K@!! Or is that just the wind blowing from France because it stinks over there?

It was the cat! Not the K@!!
To breathe some life back into the topic I wanted to share the mods I use on Broadstar
1. FAQ Mod 1.2
2. Board Viewers Mod
3. News Letter Mod for SMF2 1.10
4. Post_Board_Select 1.3
5. Default Avatar 2.2
6. Relative Dates 1.2
7. IMDb BBC 1.0
8. TopicStarter Mod 1.7
9. BCC Messages 1.2
10. Users Online Today 2.0.1
11. Activity Bar 1.1
12. Profile Comments 2.0.2
13. Stars to Profile 2.0
14. Pagan Verse 3.0
15. PM to New Members 1.2
16. SP-Shout Arcade Scores 1.0
17. Contact Page 3.0
18. More Spiders 1.2
19. Aeva Media 1.4w
20. SMF Arcade 2.5 RC1.1D
21. Spiders Don't Increase Topic Views 1.1.1
22. 6 Custom buttons / tabs with Sub Menus (4) 0.5
23. Country Flags 2.1
24. AjaxChat Integration 3.2.2b
25. Bad Behavior mod 1.5.9
26. Posting_Announcement 2.0
27. Medal Honor For Years 1.0
28. Happy Birthday 0.3
29. Next Post Level 1.3.3
30. Error Log Counter 1.0
31. Hide ip stuff for users 1.04
32. Add Facebook Like to Posts 1.1
33. PM Attachments 1.6
34. Topic Solved 1.1.1
35. Additional Instant Messengers 1.0.1
36. SMF Arcade v2.5 PDL Package 3.43
37. NiceTooltips 1.8
38. Welcome Topic Mod 2.1
39. Event Reminder Mod for SMF2 2.05
40. New Style Message Icon 1.1
41. Change Report Text To Image 1.0
42. Welcome Back 1.0
43. Tapatalk SMF Plugin 2.1.0
44. Dynamic_Memberlist 2.0.6
45. Add Social Media Icons To Profiles 1.0.5
46. Add Twitter Tweet Button to Posts 1.1
47. SMF Search Enhancement Mod 1.8.2
48. Google Analytics Code 1.4
49. New Topic Button 1.0
50. SimplePortal 2.3.5
51. Descriptive Links 1.0
52. Custom Copyright 1.0.2
53. Sorted Package Manager Listing 1.0.2
54. PM Notification Bar 2.0
55. [BBCode] Blink 1.0
56. Active Members In Topic 1.8
57. Current Signature Mod 1.2
58. Password Strength Meter 1.1
59. Boards Moderating 1.0.1
60. Float BBCODE 1.0.2
61. SMF Arcade v2.5 - Add trophies to highscores 1.0
62. Arcade Skin 2.5 RC1 1.0.0
63. TopicCountOnDisplay 2.0 RC4
64. Member Color Link 3.1
65. Top 10 Posters and Topic Starters Stats (Today, Week, Month, and Year) 2.6
66. Hidden Admin 1.0
67. Drafts
1. FAQ Mod 1.2
2. Board Viewers Mod
3. News Letter Mod for SMF2 1.10
4. Post_Board_Select 1.3
5. Default Avatar 2.2
6. Relative Dates 1.2
7. IMDb BBC 1.0
8. TopicStarter Mod 1.7
9. BCC Messages 1.2
10. Users Online Today 2.0.1
11. Activity Bar 1.1
12. Profile Comments 2.0.2
13. Stars to Profile 2.0
14. Pagan Verse 3.0
15. PM to New Members 1.2
16. SP-Shout Arcade Scores 1.0
17. Contact Page 3.0
18. More Spiders 1.2
19. Aeva Media 1.4w
20. SMF Arcade 2.5 RC1.1D
21. Spiders Don't Increase Topic Views 1.1.1
22. 6 Custom buttons / tabs with Sub Menus (4) 0.5
23. Country Flags 2.1
24. AjaxChat Integration 3.2.2b
25. Bad Behavior mod 1.5.9
26. Posting_Announcement 2.0
27. Medal Honor For Years 1.0
28. Happy Birthday 0.3
29. Next Post Level 1.3.3
30. Error Log Counter 1.0
31. Hide ip stuff for users 1.04
32. Add Facebook Like to Posts 1.1
33. PM Attachments 1.6
34. Topic Solved 1.1.1
35. Additional Instant Messengers 1.0.1
36. SMF Arcade v2.5 PDL Package 3.43
37. NiceTooltips 1.8
38. Welcome Topic Mod 2.1
39. Event Reminder Mod for SMF2 2.05
40. New Style Message Icon 1.1
41. Change Report Text To Image 1.0
42. Welcome Back 1.0
43. Tapatalk SMF Plugin 2.1.0
44. Dynamic_Memberlist 2.0.6
45. Add Social Media Icons To Profiles 1.0.5
46. Add Twitter Tweet Button to Posts 1.1
47. SMF Search Enhancement Mod 1.8.2
48. Google Analytics Code 1.4
49. New Topic Button 1.0
50. SimplePortal 2.3.5
51. Descriptive Links 1.0
52. Custom Copyright 1.0.2
53. Sorted Package Manager Listing 1.0.2
54. PM Notification Bar 2.0
55. [BBCode] Blink 1.0
56. Active Members In Topic 1.8
57. Current Signature Mod 1.2
58. Password Strength Meter 1.1
59. Boards Moderating 1.0.1
60. Float BBCODE 1.0.2
61. SMF Arcade v2.5 - Add trophies to highscores 1.0
62. Arcade Skin 2.5 RC1 1.0.0
63. TopicCountOnDisplay 2.0 RC4
64. Member Color Link 3.1
65. Top 10 Posters and Topic Starters Stats (Today, Week, Month, and Year) 2.6
66. Hidden Admin 1.0
67. Drafts
Wow I haven't even gotten that far yet

So many mods... lol
Is it possible for all those Mods on one site?
#14 cracks me up
#14 cracks me up
Quote from: Fog on May 23, 2012, 11:16:40 PM
Is it possible for all those Mods on one site?
#14 cracks me up
The Pagan Verse mod is basically quotes.
I vandalised the mod for my own use so I can show music related quotes on the forum.
* Old Fossil says don't tell the mods author.
You don't look that old in your dog photo. 
What you do for a living?

What you do for a living?
Am registered disabled.
Am registered disabled.
Quote from: Old Fossil on May 23, 2012, 11:44:19 PM
Am registered disabled.
Oh, don't know what to say now.
Hope I did not get to personal.
I like to hear what other people do for a living thinking maybe someday I will find something else to do myself.
No worries. I sell greting cards at weekend car boot sales ( flea markets).
Is a sorta hobby.
Is a sorta hobby.
Quote from: Old Fossil on May 23, 2012, 11:49:18 PM
No worries. I sell greting cards at weekend car boot sales ( flea markets).
Is a sorta hobby.
My radio Station which is linked to in my signature now has an official launch date of 9th June @ 6pm (GMT).
What do you do for a living?
Quote from: ApplianceJunk on May 23, 2012, 11:43:14 PM
You don't look that old in your dog photo.
What you do for a living?
Quote from: Joshua Dickerson on May 27, 2012, 10:50:28 AM
What do you do for a living?
Throw frying pans at people whom don't read the topics properly.

Ah, reread and saw that 

He's a Doc Writer, not a reader. j/k 

Quote from: ApplianceJunk on May 27, 2012, 11:13:35 AM
He's a Doc Writer, not a reader. j/k
He's a kid what else do ya expect lol
Hey AJ there are nice kids too eh 

Quote from: Yoshi2889 on May 29, 2012, 01:50:26 AM
Hey AJ there are nice kids too eh
Lies and Slander, not the ones that come into my shop at least.
Quote from: Yoshi2889 on May 29, 2012, 01:50:26 AMNo doubt about that.
Hey AJ there are nice kids too eh

Quote from: ApplianceJunk on May 29, 2012, 08:19:44 AMQuote from: Yoshi2889 on May 29, 2012, 01:50:26 AMNo doubt about that.
Hey AJ there are nice kids too eh

Nice to read about you Mr. Old Fossil aka Frank N Stein
I liked your Lapdog very Much
I liked your Lapdog very Much

Quote from: ѕησω on May 29, 2012, 07:18:15 AMQuote from: Yoshi2889 on May 29, 2012, 01:50:26 AM
Hey AJ there are nice kids too eh
Lies and Slander, not the ones that come into my shop at least.
Snow is a nice kid (sometimes)

Quote from: mrintech on October 17, 2012, 11:54:01 AM
Nice to read about you Mr. Old Fossil aka Frank N Stein
I liked your Lapdog very Much

OK time for some updates.
Due to circumstances beyond my control the radio station is no more.
I joined the Friends team for a couple months earlier this year but now am back to Support.
My latest forum is which has a topic in Showcase.
Anyways mods on the forum.
1. [BBCode] Blink
2. Active Members In Topic
3. Add Social Media Icons To Profiles
4. Add Stars To Profile
5. Add Twitter Tweet Button to Posts
6. Additional Instant Messengers
7. Aeva Media
8. AvatarSelect
9. Bad Behavior mod
10. BCC Messages
11. Block Email Usernames
12. Board Viewers Mod
13. Change Report Text To Image
14. Colorful Calendar Frames
15. Contact Page
16. Custom Copyright
17. Custom Greeting Mod
18. Default Avatar 2.2
19. Default Signature
20. Double Check your Email in Registration by
21. Drafts
22. Dynamic_Memberlist
23. Error Log Counter
24. EU Cookie
25. Float BBCODE 1.0.2
26. Google Analytics Code
27. Happy Birthday
28. Hidden Admin
29. Hide ip stuff for users
30. IMDb BBC
31. Medal Honor For Years
32. Member Awards NOT INSTALLED. Still deciding
33. Member Color Link
34. Minimun Characters or Words Mod
35. More Spiders
36. New Style Message Icon
37. New Topic Button
38. open mod reports
39. Pagan Verse (slightly modified)
40. Password Strength Meter
41. PM Attachments
42. PM Notification Bar
43. PM to New Members
44. PMXBlog
45. Post_Board_Select
46. Posting_Announcement
47. Regular Groups with Post Count Based Groups
48. Relative Dates
49. RSS Feed Poster NOT INSTALLED not yet decided on
50. Send Pm On X Posts
51.. Separated Birthdays from Events
52. Show Event Dates
53. SimplePortal
54. Skin/PDL for Arcade RC2
55. SMF Arcade
56. Sortable Packages (and Installed Time)
57. SP-Shout Arcade Scores
58. Spiders Don't Increase Topic Views
59. Tapatalk SMF 2.0 RC5/Final Plugin
60. Top 10 Posters and Topic Starters Stats (Today, Week, Month, and Year)
61. TopicStarter Mod
62. Treasury
63. Ultimate Profile
64. Users Online Today
65. View Only Boards
66. Welcome Back
67. Welcome Topic Mod
69. Wikipedia BBC
Due to circumstances beyond my control the radio station is no more.
I joined the Friends team for a couple months earlier this year but now am back to Support.
My latest forum is which has a topic in Showcase.
Anyways mods on the forum.
1. [BBCode] Blink
2. Active Members In Topic
3. Add Social Media Icons To Profiles
4. Add Stars To Profile
5. Add Twitter Tweet Button to Posts
6. Additional Instant Messengers
7. Aeva Media
8. AvatarSelect
9. Bad Behavior mod
10. BCC Messages
11. Block Email Usernames
12. Board Viewers Mod
13. Change Report Text To Image
14. Colorful Calendar Frames
15. Contact Page
16. Custom Copyright
17. Custom Greeting Mod
18. Default Avatar 2.2
19. Default Signature
20. Double Check your Email in Registration by
21. Drafts
22. Dynamic_Memberlist
23. Error Log Counter
24. EU Cookie
25. Float BBCODE 1.0.2
26. Google Analytics Code
27. Happy Birthday
28. Hidden Admin
29. Hide ip stuff for users
30. IMDb BBC
31. Medal Honor For Years
32. Member Awards NOT INSTALLED. Still deciding
33. Member Color Link
34. Minimun Characters or Words Mod
35. More Spiders
36. New Style Message Icon
37. New Topic Button
38. open mod reports
39. Pagan Verse (slightly modified)
40. Password Strength Meter
41. PM Attachments
42. PM Notification Bar
43. PM to New Members
44. PMXBlog
45. Post_Board_Select
46. Posting_Announcement
47. Regular Groups with Post Count Based Groups
48. Relative Dates
49. RSS Feed Poster NOT INSTALLED not yet decided on
50. Send Pm On X Posts
51.. Separated Birthdays from Events
52. Show Event Dates
53. SimplePortal
54. Skin/PDL for Arcade RC2
55. SMF Arcade
56. Sortable Packages (and Installed Time)
57. SP-Shout Arcade Scores
58. Spiders Don't Increase Topic Views
59. Tapatalk SMF 2.0 RC5/Final Plugin
60. Top 10 Posters and Topic Starters Stats (Today, Week, Month, and Year)
61. TopicStarter Mod
62. Treasury
63. Ultimate Profile
64. Users Online Today
65. View Only Boards
66. Welcome Back
67. Welcome Topic Mod
69. Wikipedia BBC
Old Fossil?
I too am 39.
I know I have pains that weren't there 20 years ago, but, I'd like to think we have 2 or 3 decades before we become fossilized, lol.

I know I have pains that weren't there 20 years ago, but, I'd like to think we have 2 or 3 decades before we become fossilized, lol.
To get an idea of where I live have a look at this and other videos on our youtube channel.
To get an idea of where I live have a look at this and other videos on our youtube channel.